This was written on the inside wall. something about plagiarism and an actionsquad or some such shit.
My money is on the Aperture Science testing facility being underneath the barn. Portal 2 anyone?
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North of Chicago, IL
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I just drove through CO... up past Vail, over to Leadville, down to CO springs, out around Denver, and off to Nebraska.
I asked MJ about this barn, but she didn't know where it was. I'm a little peeved that I forgot it was in CO, and I should have looked it up on the way.
Or was I nowhere near it? =(
I asked MJ about this barn, but she didn't know where it was. I'm a little peeved that I forgot it was in CO, and I should have looked it up on the way.
Or was I nowhere near it? =(
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North of Chicago, IL
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Posted by PogMahone Nowhere close. The BOD is northish of Denver |
That's pretty close when you consider my 2000 mile trip and how much time I spent in CO. I ended up going to CO Springs and it wasn't "on my way". lol. Got to see Manitou!
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North of Chicago, IL
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