MonkeyPunchBaby's Profile
Registered On
7/12/2010 1:46 PM
Last Seen
3/10/2013 5:53 AM
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Full Member
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DJ Steve
DJ Steve
UE Conventions this member has attended (view all conventions)

The first annual Choo Choo City URBEX was amazing! We hit four locations all very different from the each other. We explored an abandoned trainyard, an abandoned feed silo and surrounding grounds, an abandoned floating nightclub/restaurant, and an abandoned hotel and restaurant. We had people from LA, AL, GA, TN, NC. Everyone had a great time, and we are going to be planning another event soon to hit some of the places we didn't go to this time.

A solid day of exploration, cop harassment, campfires, and cooking out. Traversed a river Indiana jones style, visited the entire GNAL area and Greenleaf abandoned subdivision. Great times, even though the authorities tried to sabotage the event.

The southeast puts chestfest to shame in a two day, alcohol and clove fueled adventure-rop-and-rope-o-rama, Locations ranged from super-tall grain silos, to floating restaurants, to catwalks, to awnings at a grocery store. Southern Urban Loitering, or S(ul) made a surprise appearance too.

Chattsplore 2.0 had over 9,000 people meet up for the second epic group exploration of Chattanooga on August 26th and 27th. UER members and guest came from all over, Alabama, Alaska, Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. Some used their mod expense accounts to get a hotel, the rest of us camped for real. We visited several of Chattanooga finer locations, ranging from upscale hotels, floating restaurants, a military base, some wonderful trains, an underground dog fighting ring or crack house, an incredibly imposing feed silo, and a bridge. Fun was had by all and new sites were seen by many! Actually, that have been only 26 people.

Several of the Chattanooga, Tennessee regulars along with a Knoxvillian honorary regular gathered together early on Saturday morning to go on a trip to saves the lost souls of the state of Georgia. After parking outside a closed Planned Parenthood centre and a small trek through some woods they went to an amusement park and searched for little children to spread the gospel to but alas, the park was empty. Although there was an attempted sacrifice of a mod during the exploring. After a few brief stops for energy drinks and poops they headed on out to a railcar yard hoping to bring the word of the Church of Atom to the homeless but alas all they found there was a wannabe porn shoot going on and that group had no inclination to hear the word.The rest of evening was spent scouting out some buildings downtown and some infiltrations which resulted in some shouting from the rooftops. All in all, the mission to save souls was a bust but exploring with the congregation was a success.

During this legendary weekend meetup, 25 explorers from all around the US and Canada converged on DJ Craig's small hometown of Johnson City, TN, to explore its many industrial wonderlands of rust and asbestos. The meetup included two nuclear plants, two large coal plants, a drain with a waterslide, and a massive tailrace tunnel for the grand finale.
Member Status
This user was marked as Full Member on 9/4/2010 11:51 AM by Opheliaism