Posted by relik These questions are answered within this thread! Therrin cracked the sucker and exposed the truth! |
Hey now...I was with Therrin.
Let it be known: I know there's a secret room in there still. We didn't even try opening the possible plastic gate to Hell/Narnia/Secret Government Narnia. The possibilities of what lies beneath are still endless....
Posted by -insertnamehere- Hey now...I was with Therrin. Let it be known: I know there's a secret room in there still. We didn't even try opening the possible plastic gate to Hell/Narnia/Secret Government Narnia. The possibilities of what lies beneath are still endless.... |
My apologies. You both cracked that sucker open!
Really? Does any other region have such an epic thread such as this? TSGBODFTMFW! Double post WTF?
[last edit 11/27/2013 6:28 AM by Retro_Chick - edited 1 times]
^ Yehp. That's a thing now.
All "fucks" are now replaced.
"So, did you Barn that girl last night?"
"No. We had Taco Bell and I was too Barning sick for that.
I Barned up, man."
"You Barning idiot."
All "fucks" are now replaced.
"So, did you Barn that girl last night?"
"No. We had Taco Bell and I was too Barning sick for that.
I Barned up, man."
"You Barning idiot."
[last edit 11/28/2013 6:58 PM by lostfox - edited 1 times]
Since reading this whole thread, I now find myself looking at barns differently, always keeping them in my peripheral vision, checking for any movement of the barn itself, looking for antennas/lights/aliens/demons, and making sure I have an exit route in case one were to pounce on me. And now I too, have changed my vocabulary, texting things like WTB? or LMBAO! Although yelling out 'BARNITY BARN MARN MOTHER BARNING BARNER BARN NUTS!' gets me in less trouble...
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