just down this 5 1/2 minute hallway...
Top secret government barn of doom
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Has anyone seen this thing? It's off I-25 and Hwy 7 (it's hard to miss, so I figure it's okay to post the whereabouts). To the casual passerby it looks like a perfectly innocent disheveled barn, boarded up and complete with wind-ravaged, disintegrating side structures. But then you see a collection of out-of-place bits that have me convinced it's the entrance to a vast underground government somethingorother.

1. There are floodlights and a digital electricity meter. Not too terribly strange, but I rarely see old abandoned barns in the middle of nowhere with electricity cleanly and newly hooked up. Liability concerns.. maybe.. still..

2. There is a hole in one of the boarded-up entryways that, from a distance, make it seem like it's, well, abandoned and broken into. But if you look inside the hole, there's a 'false' room newishly built. It's just this little wooden closet with a single small chair inside (not pictured, bf told me he saw it in the other corner

3. The only door inside has FOUR yes FOUR padlocks on it, one in each corner.

4. Are those radio antenna on the top?

So... seriously. WTF.

(and no I'm not a crackpot, it's just a really random ominous kind of thing you'd expect to see open up into an enormous underground facility in some crappy Michael Bay movie.)
Melbourne, Australia
Re: Top secret government barn of doom
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Grow house.
retired former old-school UE'er
Re: Top secret government barn of doom
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Wieeeerd. Have any of you seen the old barn surrounded by the tall, barbed-wire-topped fence off of Pena Boulevard? Wierd-ass shit.



[last edit 3/20/2010 1:25 AM by Quarantine - edited 1 times]
Washington, District of Corruption
I serve as a blank screen on which people of vastly different political stripes project their views.
Re: Top secret government barn of doom
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Check out its thermal signature.
South Eastern PA
Imma herpin ma derp like YEAHH!!
Re: Top secret government barn of doom
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
LOL. those are lightening rods. Not Antenna. Its also doubtful its a grow house. There wouldnt be a meter, it would be hot-bugged.

but prove me wrong and get some inside pics.
Re: Top secret government barn of doom
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Were there any signs of recent activity...footprints, tire tracks, fresh garbage? What kind of condition are the padlocks in?

And where is the power coming from?

Something is up.

And maybe that small newish looking room is actually an elevator..
[last edit 3/20/2010 2:15 AM by Corrugated - edited 1 times]
central colorado
Friends don't let friends HDR
Re: Top secret government barn of doom
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Corrugated
Were there any signs of recent activity...footprints, tire tracks, fresh garbage? What kind of condition are the padlocks in?

And where is the power coming from?

Something is up.

And maybe that small newish looking room is actually an elevator..

hum, interesting thoughts. it's VERY close to us, so maybe we'll keep an eye on it. it's maybe 5 minutes away and Kimbercules passes it daily on her way to work. we really didn't see many footprints (weren't really looking), but it was mostly brush and such, so hard to tell. No garbage, pretty well maintained considering. Usually people use these places to dump trash, but there was nothing.

The locks looked pretty new and everything looked recently locked up. But this place has been there for quite some time. The power was coming from the power lines, nothing fishy there really. But some of the lines were surface run along the outside of the barn.

The small room had a dirt floor I think. Here's what it looks like inside the little room (another view), and some other signs and such.1.




Sedalia, MO
Re: Top secret government barn of doom
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
The only thing that looks suspicious to me is the 'Authorized Personnel Only" sign, as a farmer would not post that type of sign. So if I had to guess, it might be owned by the highway department or the Game Commission for storage, maybe even the local Indian Reservation, if there is one.

Or it could be owned by an evil corporation doing cutting edge research into the latest evil-science.
[last edit 3/20/2010 4:30 AM by peppermintpete - edited 1 times]
"You talkin' to me?"
Re: Top secret government barn of doom
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Did anyone see Pineapple Express?

Fucking retarded.

But that reminds me of the subterranean grow-house with the barn top from that movie.
Longmont, CO
Re: Top secret government barn of doom
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
seriously cool, I'm going to have to check it out tomorrow on my way through.
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.
Re: Top secret government barn of doom
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Very cool pics
I've come across similar places, for instance there is a place that is pretty much in blatant view but no one would look at it twice. I believe it is some type of cell phone transmission place, because the place I have in mind is actually on top of a condo type thing next to a public park, they placed fake brick walls in front of all the antennas so you can't see them, but on closer inspection the brick walls were really half assedly made, kinda like paint and sticks half ass. I've heard of another place where a antenna was disguised as a tree, and again no one would think of it twice, but the closer you got to it you could tell it was very poorly disguised.

tis just kind of creepy, i dunno. Thanks for sharing btw.
Re: Top secret government barn of doom
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I heard something about a company called "The Umbrella Corp." doing some work around there ..Thats by Racoon City right?
Re: Top secret government barn of doom
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
central colorado
Friends don't let friends HDR
Re: Top secret government barn of doom
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by TheDuke335
I heard something about a company called "The Umbrella Corp." doing some work around there ..Thats by Racoon City right?

heh, nice.

yeah, not sure what is up with it. it's probably absolutely nothing, but why so much effort to protect a barn which could collapse? and that inside room looks newly built, but why? interesting stuff.

S & W B
Re: Top secret government barn of doom
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
i agree with ExplorerLoki i bet its a grow room
central colorado
Friends don't let friends HDR
Re: Top secret government barn of doom
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by urbexkeith
i agree with ExplorerLoki i bet its a grow room

its very possible. you can't tell, but the "authorized personnel only" sign is 1 story up. its on a window/door that's about 10 feet from the ground. strange.

hopefully if someone else goes there we can figure out more. there are hundreds of barns like that all around the area, but this is the ONLY one with lights on the outside and so well locked up.

Portland, OR
nothing is true; everything is permitted
Re: Top secret government barn of doom
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by insanebuslady
Did anyone see Pineapple Express?

Fucking retarded.

But that reminds me of the subterranean grow-house with the barn top from that movie.

this was the first thing i thought too.
central colorado
Friends don't let friends HDR
Re: Top secret government barn of doom
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
i'm thinking about making a leave-behind infrared camera with motion detector that could be placed at some sites and take pics when motion is detected, and remotely transfer the images, or at least notify you remotely if new images have been taken. i would love to covertly monitor the comings and goings on some of these sites.
Re: Top secret government barn of doom
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Project A.L.I.C.E ....thats all i have to ssy beware! BOOGA BOOGA!!!
just down this 5 1/2 minute hallway...
Re: Top secret government barn of doom
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Yeah I'd totally forgotten about the 'authorized personnel' sign. Up the weird factor a few clicks. Interesting idea about state owned storage. Bland and thus probable. Sigh. I'll keep an eye out for the Umbrella Corp logo though.

That pena house looks ominous as all get out.
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