This thread began in March of twenty-ten. It is currently March of twenty-thirteen. It consumes this region. It is too late for us. If anyone in the future or other regions receives this message, heed my warning and promptly stop reading. Resistance is useless...futile. We tried to stop it, but it grew out of our control. is our own creation, our abomination. Some of you turkeys in the future may still believe it is about a barn--it is not. It may have been about a barn at some point, but now it is just about the desolate derelict this entire region has become. Not a desolate derelict like the ones we like minded individuals were once interested in, a desolate derelict in the sense that truly nothing happens here anymore and everyone is gone. Is that irony, or destiny?
We can no longer stop it. It will consume all of our interests, until there are none left. If there is a future, if you are in the future reading this now, stop. For there is nothing here anymore. Stop reading this, and go out and do things, like you once must have wanted to do. Do not fall deeper into the trap that is this thread.
I must go now, they are coming, the zombies of this thread. Indubitably this post will be buried under another fifty or so pages of mindless banalities. They are coming.