so I literally read about 20 pages of this thread waiting for an answer on this barn of doom.... gave up and skipped to the end... anyone wanna give me a recap? I'm dying with anticipation... no one picked the locks? no one busted in? anything? lol i'm not even in this area and i wanna know so bad.
Posted by AdventureDan so I literally read about 20 pages of this thread waiting for an answer on this barn of doom.... gave up and skipped to the end... anyone wanna give me a recap? I'm dying with anticipation... no one picked the locks? no one busted in? anything? lol i'm not even in this area and i wanna know so bad. |
To discover the secret of the barn, you'll need to read every single post.
I like how this THREAD moves salient info from one post to another so that it seems like gobbledygook. STATS show there are more than 20 people masturbating on this thread at any given time. I am starting to feel guilty about how much money I have earned from the barn, and I am like 45 down on the list of high earners.
I know I am not supposed to talk about the disease research exposure aspect but.
I know I am not supposed to talk about the disease research exposure aspect but.
Posted by Snipe_Hunter This thread is ridiculous. |
This thread is like the X-files, amusing at first with promise of revealed secrets--but then the climax is that there is no climax and secrets will never be revealed. Except in that one case someone actually made it into the barn, but we don't talk about that.
TL;DR The truth is out there, I want to believe.
[last edit 8/8/2014 12:46 PM by miirkat - edited 1 times]
Posted by Snipe_Hunter To discover the secret of the barn, you'll need to read every single post. |
Lots of posts have been made here, but very little information about the purpose
of the barn has been revealed. I'm wondering exactly how hard it is to contact a
realtor or someone else who knows the property owner. At any rate, it beats just
dumb observations and speculation.
Regarding what you said about looking at every post, I think you've got a point.
It might be somewhat vague, but the good stuff may be seen quite easily if you
can read between the lines a bit. Think outside the box (barn?) and you may find
killer details.
[last edit 8/14/2014 4:48 AM by Harvestman - edited 1 times]
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