I think it's funny when people don't KNOW that you are supposed to write down every 3rd letter in all the posts in this thread to get the REAL meaning.
I think we all could get in WESTWORD if we go to the barn and just keep biting it till our teeth are gone. Also some suction should be applied.
I think we all could get in WESTWORD if we go to the barn and just keep biting it till our teeth are gone. Also some suction should be applied.
Posted by denvereen I think it's funny when people don't KNOW that you are supposed to write down every 3rd letter in all the posts in this thread to get the REAL meaning. I think we all could get in WESTWORD if we go to the barn and just keep biting it till our teeth are gone. Also some suction should be applied. |
Seems like a lot of effort. This method seems a bit more......efficient.

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