Posted by Therrin If you shave my balls for me I'll recite poetry for you while you're doing it. I'm too afraid to try it on my own, I think it requires a woman's touch. I wrote you a poem. Roses are red Rats are grey my love for you is stronger than the virulent fever of hay |
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North of Chicago, IL
Total Likes: 279 likes
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North of Chicago, IL
Total Likes: 279 likes
Posted by Therrin That's actually the barn |
Fixed. My bad.
Posted by Snipe_Hunter This thread is ridiculous. |
It's ridiculous how cute your avatar picture is.
[last edit 7/19/2012 12:41 AM by Therrin - edited 1 times]
Posted by Snipe_Hunter It's just so poetic.... I'm a sucker for romantic poems that have anything to do with testicle shaving..... I thought that's what everyone was into! ;) |
Shoot I'm with it, I just really hope the barn has a hot tub inside
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North of Chicago, IL
Total Likes: 279 likes
Hi, I'ma barn. And this is ridiculous, but here's a normal looking picture of a barn, so breach me, maybe?
[last edit 7/30/2012 5:50 AM by miirkat - edited 1 times]
Posted by Captain_Slow I have nothing to contribute except a bump |
*resists the urge to laugh at 4chan bump gifs at work*

So is this really a barn? Or a sekrit bunker entrance to the aliens underground lair that looks like a barn? Somebody should burn it down to check. If some big ugly praying mantis lookin muthafuckers start swarming around blasting you with their death rays, I was right. If not, they're just waiting to hatch some diabolical plan on you later for Fucking with them.
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