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Orange County, California
Re: bay area drains!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Wow.. Those are some wicked looking drains! Excellent photos.
Re: bay area drains!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I've been through a lot of drains recently so I thought I could add to this thread. Here are a few photos from some recent adventures.

East Bay







North Bay

9. Tunnel of Nails

10. Where the balls go

11. South Bay


13. Tunnel Dog
Los Angeles
Re: bay area drains!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Awesome! Especially like #6.

Next time I am up there, I will have to bring my boots and seek those out.

I've always gone in the ones down here at night. Planning on a day trip soon to catch some natural light.
not that kind of doctor
Re: bay area drains!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
nice set wander, this is looks like a great explore! thanks for sharing & thanks bumping this great thread!

Re: bay area drains!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by partime wanderer
13. Tunnel Dog

My arch nemesis!
Re: bay area drains!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by tunnelbug
My arch nemesis!

That looks like some species of tunnel bug painted on the wall in that photo.

San Francisco
Radioactivity, its in the air for you & me
Re: bay area drains!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Number 7 from PW is really cool and tunnel dog looks like the happiest explorer ever.
Re: bay area drains!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Hi all, brand new here (first post ever). Just thought I would add some of my EB tunnel pics to this thread. I flick a lot of graff, so that's usually the subject of my pictures. I tried to find some that were less graff related.

1. I love this tunnel. The lighting makes it so perfect for flicking.
312764.jpg (56 kb, 800x533)
click to view

312765.jpg (34 kb, 400x600)
click to view

312766.jpg (96 kb, 400x600)
click to view

4. One of my favorite pieces
312767.jpg (112 kb, 800x493)
click to view

5. Narnia
312768.jpg (83 kb, 450x600)
click to view

San Francisco
Radioactivity, its in the air for you & me
Re: bay area drains!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
liking what I see, especially the last one in your set.
San Jose
Re: bay area drains!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Wow this is amazing, I never knew stuff like this existed right underneath me..
Re: bay area drains!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
damn you east bay for having awsome drains
Re: bay area drains!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Thanks RescueMe.
JKtheJK, number 6 totally freaks me out. Looks like an endless fall. I like it.

Here's a few more from some tunnels visited more recently.


Careful in this tunnel guys, a couple friends and I went down here and some guys came in a little while after us saying they were cops. Long story short, they weren't, and they tried to rob one of my friends (me and our other friend were a little further down the tunnel). They left and then we heard them coming back as we were packing all our stuff up, so we booked it the other way. They didn't chase after us, but they were definitely following us so we didn't stick around.

Another heads up about this one, there is a certain part where the tunnel opens up and the cement drops off into nothing, but you can't really tell because the water stays flush. I knew it was there, but slipped when trying to climb out and fell in. It's GROSS. And very deep. So stay safe out there.


Careful in this tunnel too! Great tunnel, probably my favorite but because it's so wide cops are able to drive down here, and they've been chasing people out.



Manchester, UK
Re: bay area drains!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Good stuff

More people should learn to love drains
Re: bay area drains!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by caribooou
Careful in this tunnel guys, a couple friends and I went down here and some guys came in a little while after us saying they were cops.......

Another heads up about this one, there is a certain part where the tunnel opens up and the cement drops off into nothing, but you can't really tell because the water stays flush.

Thanks for the heads-up about that tunnel. I've been in there 2 or 3 times. I've met a guy by the entrance a couple of times who has asked me for cigarettes but I've never had any trouble which is good as I've been in there by myself before.

I've never encountered the drop off you mentioned but I've never been all the way through that one. I usually stop where the graff stops. (There's another smaller tunnel on the other side of the tracks from #1 in case you haven't found it).

I'm not sure if I've been in #2. I've never met cops in a tunnel yet fortunately.
San Mateo, Ca
Re: bay area drains!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Also hit some East Bay tunnels earlier this week:





Except for 1 & 2 (which are the same tunnel), these ones don't seem as exciting as the other ones posted in here tho.
[last edit 9/26/2013 12:41 AM by pgathriller - edited 1 times]
Re: bay area drains!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Partime wanderer, I'm pretty sure I saw some flicks you took in tunnel #2. It's a buff spot now tho so it might look different. Maybe the word chambers helps.

Haven't been to the the smaller tunnel near #1, if I ever go back I'll have to check it out. That tunnel splits into two, one side turns into a circular tunnel that seems to go on forever but I guess eventually meets up with the other side (I didn't make it that far), and the other split of the tunnel remains the same size. If you can see the sky though, you are about to fall in!

Pgathriller, those tunnels look cool. I think I've only been to #4.
San Mateo, Ca
Re: bay area drains!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by caribooou
Pgathriller, those tunnels look cool. I think I've only been to #4.

My number 5 is a really small tunnel that eventually pops out where this one stats:
Posted by caribooou
318094.jpg (48 kb, 640x427)
click to view

You've probably seen the opening before, but there's not much in there graffiti-wise and it's pretty short anyway

Can you post more pictures of the inside of the tunnel with this sudden drop off into deepness o_0 just so if I find myself down there hopefully I'll recognize where I am and can be on the lookout for the drop of doom
Re: bay area drains!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by caribooou
Partime wanderer, I'm pretty sure I saw some flicks you took in tunnel #2. It's a buff spot now tho so it might look different. Maybe the word chambers helps.

I'd heard that one of my favorite bay area tunnels (that looked like that) had been buffed recently so I think I know which one it is.

pgathiller - I was at that tunnel in your 1 & 2 about 10 days ago myself. I like that a lot because of the arch design. I took this photo while I was there.

Posted by pgathriller
Can you post more pictures of the inside of the tunnel with this sudden drop off into deepness o_0 just so if I find myself down there hopefully I'll recognize where I am and can be on the lookout for the drop of doom

caribooou may tell me I'm wrong but I'm 99% sure that the tunnel with the drop-off is #4 in your photos. It goes quite a long way. I haven't seen the end of it yet and I haven't come across the drop off either. That's the same tunnel that he said there was an attempted robbery so be careful there if you go back.
[last edit 9/26/2013 6:16 AM by partime wanderer - edited 1 times]
San Mateo, Ca
Re: bay area drains!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by partime wanderer
caribooou may tell me I'm wrong but I'm 99% sure that the tunnel with the drop-off is #4 in your photos. It goes quite a long way. I haven't seen the end of it yet and I haven't come across the drop off either. That's the same tunnel that he said there was an attempted robbery so be careful there if you go back.

Ohhh okay, the ceilings start to lower really quickly after the split in that tunnel and it gets really cramped really quick -- we ended up trying it and turned around after about 2-3 minutes cause it was too much on our backs to bend over like that and we didn't know if it was worth it or not but perhaps it opens up to the drop part after that section

Is it worth traveling down there? Or is there nothing really to do once you get to the "deep drop" section but to turn around and hope you didn't fall in?

Posted by partime wanderer
pgathiller - I was at that tunnel in your 1 & 2 about 10 days ago myself. I like that a lot because of the arch design. I took this photo while I was there.

I love the giant arch design of that one! I'm just trying to imagine why they had to make it so beautifully massive but I'm not complaining!
[last edit 9/26/2013 6:25 AM by pgathriller - edited 1 times]
Re: bay area drains!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by pgathriller

Ohhh okay, the ceilings start to lower really quickly after the split in that tunnel and it gets really cramped really quick -- we ended up trying it and turned around after about 2-3 minutes cause it was too much on our backs to bend over like that and we didn't know if it was worth it or not but perhaps it opens up to the drop part after that section

Is it worth traveling down there? Or is there nothing really to do once you get to the "deep drop" section but to turn around and hope you didn't fall in?

That's exactly where it is. I never made it to the other side but I heard there's only a couple things over there, so it's probably not super worth it. I think there's just a few obg pieces. You can get over there by going through the other split of the tunnel but I think we walked for at least 20 minutes and we weren't there yet, so it's probably not super worth it.

I think I know which mini tunnel you're talking about in #5, I always go in a different way so that's probably why I didn't recognize it.

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