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Supreme Noble Donor
City of Chicago, Richard M. Daley, Mayor
Re: Dev
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
This is awful news, I don't know what to say. I found out about this last night and I still can't believe it.

Seth was a great guy, well liked and respected by everyone who knew him. He had many friends.

Exploring Gary Indiana with Seth gone will never be the same. I will miss him very much.

My condolences to his family.
[last edit 9/25/2006 12:23 AM by NV - edited 1 times]
San Diego, CA | Detroit, MI
Re: Dev
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
^^^A handful of my favorite photos of him

[last edit 9/25/2006 2:06 AM by camerakid - edited 1 times]
Noble Donor
At least someone llikes me
Re: Dev
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I was about to make some comments about how this is a potential pile of shit, and then make some nice comments about Dev.

Instead, I thought it wiser to say "If this is all bullshit, then you have some serious issues, and human you aint. If this is a stunt then burn in hell cocksuckers. These days you never know. Some peoples idea of fun ....

I'll leave it at that, Dev was one of the people here that I agreed with quite frequently, my kind of dumbass.

Noble Donor
Mojave Desert
Re: Dev
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
My condolences to his family and friends. I never met him, but I did interact with through email (prodding him to start a website) and on various boards. He was always a good guy, and I heard nothing but good things from the people who went exploring with him.

He will be missed.
[last edit 9/25/2006 4:27 AM by Emperor Wang - edited 1 times]
Detroit, MI
Re: Dev
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by 'Dukes
I was about to make some comments about how this is a potential pile of shit, and then make some nice comments about Dev.

Instead, I thought it wiser to say "If this is all bullshit, then you have some serious issues, and human you aint. If this is a stunt then burn in hell cocksuckers. These days you never know. Some peoples idea of fun ....

I'll leave it at that, Dev was one of the people here that I agreed with quite frequently, my kind of dumbass.

Yeah, a lot of us wish this was just a joke or maybe a bad dream. But no, it's for real.

Anyhow, I came back to post this link: http://www.northvi...dex.php?board=41.0

Tim, the site admin at northville-tunnels.com (a long time running site which is linked to on Seth's site) was a good personal friend of Seths. He started a paypal account to collect donations which will be sent to Seth's mother to help cover some of the expenses resulting from this tradgic event. Please take a look and take it into consideration, even $5 will help. $5 only buys one pack of smokes, 2 gallons of gas, a meal at McDonalds, etc.. Every little bit helps and it only takes a minute. There's other ways to help. If anyone wants to send a card, photo's, or some funds directly to his mother, you can contact Tim via PM on the Tunnel's site or via e-mail at: [email protected] and he'll help you get in direct contact. Or you can PM dev here I think, not sure if his family is still logging in under his name or not, but either way... If you feel uncomfortable sending money to the paypal account, there's other ways you can help, just send a message to either of those names. Unfortunately, I only have a few pictures of Seth in group photo's I took, they're not that good, so I just donated some cash instead. Maybe I'll post them later, I'll have to dig for them.
[last edit 9/25/2006 4:44 AM by Agent Skelly - edited 2 times]
Usually Alaska, now MSP.
Re: Dev
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Wow, I'm still in shock from hearing this. I was just talking to Dev a few days ago, and I can't believe he's gone so suddenly. The rust belt has lost a great explorer.

Girl Moderator
Buffalo, NY
Gone abortin, BRB
Re: Dev
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
From the Gary Post-Tribune:

Seth M. Thomas
SETH M. THOMAS Hobart, Indiana Age 23 passed away as a result of an accident on Saturday, September 23, 2006. He attended Hobart High School and was currently attending Purdue Calumet for Engineering. Seth was employed at Hill Mechanical in Franklin Park, IL. Photography was one of his greatest passions. In life, Seth was very unconventional, as he wished the remembrance of his death to be. He is survived by his very loved life partner, Audrey Castaneda; mother, Susan Thomas ("the dude" Steve Broda); father, Steve (Leslie) Thomas; grandparents, Nancy Norris and Charles and Mary Broda, all of Hobart; brother, Ethan Thomas of Valparaiso; sister, Taylor Thomas of Hobart; uncles: Jeff (Sylvia) Norris of Aurora, IL, Greg Norris of Hobart, Myron (Sue) Thomas of Plant City, FL; aunts: Wendy (Joe) Drzyk, Deb (Phil) Carroll, all of Hobart, Cheryl Gildemontes of Moreno Valley CA; extended family, Nancy Adams, Elaine and Eric Castaneda, all of Hobart; special cousins, Kyle and Ryane Norris, Jack and Cliff Carroll; special friends, Josh Fox, Robert Bailey and Ian Ketchem and many others too numerous to list. Many other loving cousins and family members. Seth was preceded in death by his paternal grandparents, Jack and Juanita Thomas, and maternal grandfather, Virgil Norris. There will be a celebration of Seth's life at the Hobart Elks Lodge #1152, 3580 W. 61 Ave. on Wednesday, September 27, 2006 from 3-9 p.m. Relatives and friends are invited to share memories at 6:00 p.m. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the Main Source Bank in Hobart for a scholarship fund being established in Seth's memory. Condolences may be made at Seth's website: HTTP:// www.myspace.com/myopic Cremation at the Burns Funeral Home Crematory will precede the celebration of life. Burns Funeral Home, Hobart in charge of arrangements.
Published in the Post-Tribune on 9/25/2006.

NW IN/Purdue Lafayette
Giggity Giggity Giggity!
Re: Dev
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
didnt know him too well but from meeting him once I knew he was a great guy...

(dev is standing in the middle in that pic - at dixie dairy in Gary)
[last edit 9/25/2006 12:54 PM by RoyMan - edited 1 times]
Lubbock, TX
Re: Dev
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Geez, I don't even know what to say except that I'm so sorry. My prayers go out to his family and friends. It's so hard to lose someone so young. I only knew him from this site but I thought he was a pretty cool guy.
Rhode Island, United States
Winner Of The Great Race 2006
Re: Dev
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I'm so sorry, horrible news to hear.
Back in New Mexico where I belong
Dressed for a scarecrow ball.........
Re: Dev
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Peace Dev. Locked doors don't mean anything now.
Oklahoma City, OK, United States
Will Explore for Food
Re: Dev
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I've only been here a very short time so I don’t know alot of the players in our field but I trust the opinions of my fellow explorers and from all accounts I know of, the community is less as a result of this loss.

At least he passed on doing what he loved, hopefully it was quick and painless. Such a young man, sounds like he had a real bright future ahead of him. My condolences to his friends and I hope his family finds the strength and support they’ll need to make it through these tough times.
It’s always darkest before the dawn
Re: Dev
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I didn't have the opportunity to meet him but my condolences to his family and friends.
[last edit 9/25/2006 8:57 PM by Snax - edited 1 times]
The Ill Noize.
The game is the game.
Re: Dev
Posted on Forum: Infiltration Forums
[re-post of comments I made elsewhere]

I can honestly say that exploring Gary, Indiana with Seth was some of the best times of my life over these past couple of years. Nobody knew more about the sites to see and their history than Seth did. He was the King of Gary, which is the Mecca of Chicagoland urban exploring. The fact that he was a first-rate photographer, respected explorer, and a stand-up, funny, cool guy goes almost without saying. I don't associate with any other kind of people when it comes to urban exploring.

I'd been missing the opportunity to go out with the rest of my exploring friends the past few months because the usual commitments of work and family had prevented me from going out or staying in touch as often as I would have liked. And to think back now, if I'd only taken a weekend off.

You will be sorely missed Seth. You were one of the great ones.
Montreal, QC
Re: Dev
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
everytime someone from our community dies, it is a great loss. RIP dev.my condolences to his family and friends.
Montréal, Qc
Re: Dev
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Very sad news

My condolenses to everyone who knew him...
Minneapolis, MN
Like all UER people, I've only explored your mom.
Re: Dev
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I'm still shocked at hearing this horrible news. I am glad to have explored with him. He was a great person.
Noble Donor
St. Paul, MN
Maze is 100% done now!!! Someday when it's -10 out and the generators won't start I might upload th
Re: Dev
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I was fortunate to get to explore with Devnull on at least a couple occasions, but now I wish I would've gotten to know him better. He was truly one of the coolest explorers I've met - very knowledgeable and fun. And I'm not just saying this because of what happened. Shocking and terrible news...my condolences to all friends and family.
Noble Donor
At least someone llikes me
Re: Dev
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
My previous comments were probably a little insensitive, but there a lot of people out there with weird motives.

I only wish I was right, that this was some sort of hoax.

I've watched and talked to the guy for quite some time, and I'll say he was one of the most "no bullshit " people who have posted here and elsewhere.

Someone throw up that donations link again, or create a new thread for it.

Go unpaved paths and leave no trail behind
Re: Dev
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
ì'm sad to hear about this, best of luck to all the people that loved him...
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