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Philly area
Retired Explorer
19/04/15 - R.I.P Don Corleyone
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Steve Corley (Don Corleyone) passed away the end of this week.
He was a kickass dude with a great personality and a ton of fun to be around.
He will be extremely missed.

R.I.P. Steve.

[last edit 7/31/2015 1:12 PM by Avatar-X - edited 2 times]
Re: R.I.P Don Corleyone
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
It always seems like the good ones go way too soon. I remember having a conversation or two with him in AvChat. I don't remember what exactly what the conversations were about, but he seemed like an awesome guy.

RIP Steve. I hope you're exploring the heck out of the afterlife.
Eastern TN
Atomic Bird of War
Re: R.I.P Don Corleyone
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I suck with words and feelings, so all I really know to say is I hope you are one with the Force.

The urban exploration community has lost a truly upstanding individual.

Rest in peace, friend.
Re: R.I.P Don Corleyone
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Terrible news , thoughts go out to his friends and family .
Who knows
Re: R.I.P Don Corleyone
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Corley, you were one of the first people I met on UER. I will never forget how you greeted me with, "YOU'RE SHORT" then gave me one of the best hugs in the universe. The next morning you played drums next to my head and somehow I slept through it. I love you man <3
Northwestern Ontario
mines always on the mind
Re: R.I.P Don Corleyone
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
For the last day my Facebook feed has been an almost constant stream of Corley. I think that demonstrates just how many people he touched, and was cared for by.

I haven't spoken to him regularly in a year or two, but was just last weekend talking about how awesome it would be to meet the guy one of these days. I'm really bummed that I will never have that honour.

RIP, Corley. I'll miss the Star Wars nerdery.
Johnson City, TN
Break the Silence
Re: R.I.P Don Corleyone
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I was truly devastated to hear this. Corley was someone I really looked up to and admired. Rest in peace Corley. You will be missed.
Re: R.I.P Don Corleyone
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
OMG! We chatted online numerous time and I met him once about 4 years ago and he was a great guy! This comes as a total shock!!! My sincerest condolences to his family.
New Jersey
Re: R.I.P Don Corleyone
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I already messaged AV to close his account.
Re: R.I.P Don Corleyone
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Sounds like he was a great guy, you know what they say, "the good die young"
Re: R.I.P Don Corleyone
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I've been up and down, left and right so many times its not even funny. Went from having a killer 2br,2b apartment with a view, 2 motorcycles, and skydiving every other weekend to shooting dope with water from a rain puddle in the parking lot in front of a friend's house cuz he wouldn't open the door.
I sold all my work tools (the last things I had left after all my photo gear and everything else) and bought 2 grams of heroin and shot it all in one big needle - then woke up on my floor a few hours later pissed off that it didn't work.
I don't regret many decisions I've made (all of them relate to women and relationships), because they all made me into the man I am today... Which might not seem like much to a lot of people, but I'm happy; and that means everything to me. I've had a lot of fun and I have a million awesome stories; when things were good they were really, really good... when things got bad they got horrible incredibly quick.
I'm an adrenaline junkie too, always have been. Wanted to be a fighter pilot, extreme sports, bungee jumping, skydiving, climbed my first crane at 21 in B-more, motorcycles, and a lot of crazy stupid stunts that could have killed me too.... Plus sex and all the drugs and partying on top of it. I never pictured a day that I wouldn't drink or drug; all the adults in my life from the time I was a little kid all drank. I was introduced to rock n roll drug culture at a very early age. I thought I'd be in the 27 club when I was in middle school before Kurt Cobain died (27, obvs).
I got the same rush out of drinking and drugging that I did from other crazy shit, so I kept doing it. I didn't have any problems until I got into my 30's.
The point is that happiness and willingness and motivation have to come from inside. You can find inspiration and support outside, an other stimuli can be a temporary crutch, but you can't fill that hole in your soul with sex or drugs or women or "things".... You've gotta keep doing those things that truly MEAN something to you. Climbing, art. Pursue your passions. Keep learning - have an open mind and funnel as much knowledge as you can into it. Be the best at something.
I know you're not stupid, and you know that there are a lot of people - myself included - who are inspired by the things you do well and share with other people.... Sculpting, climbing, traveling.
Everybody has ups and downs, an everybody goes thru some fucked up bullshit like getting dicked over by someone you care for, and it hurts like nothing ever has before, but we get thru it. Every day that pain hurts a little bit less until one day we just kinda realize we're past it

Re: R.I.P Don Corleyone
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
J.T. Colfax sends his regrets.
Re: R.I.P Don Corleyone
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I'm sure I've posted back and forth with Steve. If not, I've at least enjoyed his banter. RIP, Steve. His family and friends lost a good one.
Re: R.I.P Don Corleyone
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Saddened to hear of his passing.

Sauga City
www . tohellandback . net
Re: R.I.P Don Corleyone
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Totally floored to hear this terrible news. I'd never had the good fortune to meet Steve in real life, but our paths had certainly crossed online many times and he always seemed like such a wonderful person.

RIP Brother, you'll certainly be missed.
Vehicular Lord Rick
northeastern New York
No matter where you go, there you are...
Re: R.I.P Don Corleyone
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
i don't even know what to say.
Northern NJ
Re: R.I.P Don Corleyone
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I've sent and spoken my condolences on facebook already, but we will all miss him around here.

RIP, dude. You have left us way too soon.

Anderson, SC
It's also a gun.
Re: R.I.P Don Corleyone
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Dammit. Just damn. I've had plenty of convos with Don. I'm stunned.
Sudbury, Ontario
I have abandonment issues.
Re: R.I.P Don Corleyone
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I'm having a hard time accepting this, and don't really have words yet.
Rest in Peace bear... I love you xo.

Above all, Truth
Re: R.I.P Don Corleyone
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I am coming out of the woodwork to reply. Don had a clever wit, would blast ya with hell then wink and tell ya he was joking and slap ya on the back. Fun and friends was the base of his reality from what I saw and interacted with him on. He was always nice to me and treated me with respect.

I hope he enjoys his next life.

Peace fellow explorer. /|\
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