Avatar-X's Profile
Registered On
8/10/2002 12:00 PM
Last Seen
1/12/2025 9:59 PM
Access Level
Full Member
Custom Title
Alpha Husky
West Coast
Name History
UE Conventions this member has attended (view all conventions)
The Office Products Exposition 1994 was held in Toronto. It was a worldwide gathering of explorers, from Alaska to Australia to Denmark.
North East Office Products Expo '94, held in Rhineback, NY, July 30 to Aug 2, 2004.
The BUMFEST get-together was to explore the Rochester Subway in Rochester NY, at the end of July 2005.
The Office Products Exposition 1995 was held in Montreal. It was a worldwide gathering of explorers, from Australia to Vancouver.
A huge group of people from as far as Buffalo and Sudbury got together to laugh at the antics of Shiroi, and to get caught at Dofasco.
NOPEX '06 was the Northern Ontario Office Products Expo, occurring in Sudbury, Ontario and surrounding regions. About 9 people attended and great fun was had by all.
Over twenty people showed up for the Secret Locations Meet, from southern ontario and as far away as Tennessee. Locations such as a boiler house and Hamilton's famous Lister Block were explored. Everyone enjoyed themselves, and had the chance to see the great industrial views the Steel City has to offer.
The fourth annual Opex international explorers meet. Explorers from many American states as well as Canada and Australia met in Buffalo, NY to see the sights and make new friends.
Once again, almost 30 people from the US and Canada convened in Rochester for a weekend of exploring western NY. We explored factories, hospitals, tunnels, and topped it all off with a formal dress pizza party on the roof of Mcfadden's.
OPEX '68 occured between Jul 18 and Jul 20, 2008 near Boston, Massachusetts. Over 40 explorers joined together to explore and party, spending nights camping. A great time was had by all!
First global meeting of the UER Moderators.
Agenda will include;
*Getting lost around Toronto
*Inspect Turbo's Cock
*Air Porter lateness seminar
*Getting to know TribeachPunk - who is he?
*Presentation on presentation by The Green Bastard
*A demonstration of US Border Security
*Cable Laying and Toilet Maintenance class with El Nerdo
*Who to ban next!?
*Some 'splorin'
Agenda will include;
*Getting lost around Toronto
*Inspect Turbo's Cock
*Air Porter lateness seminar
*Getting to know TribeachPunk - who is he?
*Presentation on presentation by The Green Bastard
*A demonstration of US Border Security
*Cable Laying and Toilet Maintenance class with El Nerdo
*Who to ban next!?
*Some 'splorin'
Here's the 6th edition of UrbexMalt, one of the biggest urban explorers meeting in North America, held once again in Montreal
For the first time this year, the event went international, with guests coming from Australia, USA, UK and of course Canada. This year's event was once again bigger than the previous one, with a total of 180 people who have attended.
Many improvements were done this year, including a huge mural by artist Jean-François Charest, the addition of a cinema room, lighting and ambient effects in the main room, a "fire breathing" performance, stickers made for the occasion, and new artefacts including the building's original blueprints from 1905 and 1930.
The group picture, taken at the same spot every year, was a real challenge to achieve: two levels of 40 feet-long benches were installed to fit the 150 people present on the picture.
For the first time this year, the event went international, with guests coming from Australia, USA, UK and of course Canada. This year's event was once again bigger than the previous one, with a total of 180 people who have attended.
Many improvements were done this year, including a huge mural by artist Jean-François Charest, the addition of a cinema room, lighting and ambient effects in the main room, a "fire breathing" performance, stickers made for the occasion, and new artefacts including the building's original blueprints from 1905 and 1930.
The group picture, taken at the same spot every year, was a real challenge to achieve: two levels of 40 feet-long benches were installed to fit the 150 people present on the picture.
Member Status
This user was marked as Full Member on 3/21/2005 4:28 PM by Avatar-X