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To2600 Web Board > Private Boards Index > Urban Legends
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You must log in for this feature to work.PinnedUER Decals and Shirts! «1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 »flySparro1923052847/10/2023 3:06 PM by Steed
You must log in for this feature to work.Pinned*** UNIVERSAL FAQ ***Avatar-X04548621/31/2006 4:59 PM by Avatar-X
You must log in for this feature to work.PinnedLockedIMPORTANT: ALL READSnArF15404211/21/2004 10:39 PM by SnArF
You must log in for this feature to work.PinnedLockedWelcome to the Urban Legends Board!SnArF023796/7/2004 3:25 AM by SnArF
You must log in for this feature to work.Blair witch Project «1 2 »6 Atomic 6 Garden 621108879/5/2017 8:32 PM by Roland
You must log in for this feature to work.GoatmanKublaKhan837382/28/2013 10:23 AM by KublaKhan
You must log in for this feature to work.Is this board alive?metawaffle427248/6/2012 12:30 AM by rainman8889
You must log in for this feature to work.Heroin Needles «1 2 3 »SnArF45147535/14/2011 2:24 PM by NiiCKx3
You must log in for this feature to work.Barack ObamaGreg939165/14/2011 2:16 PM by NiiCKx3
You must log in for this feature to work.SkinwalkersChronos545689/13/2009 7:22 PM by Oryx
You must log in for this feature to work.Member List «1 2 »SnArF2693579/13/2009 7:20 PM by Oryx
You must log in for this feature to work.Photography Jail Baitthparkth1154099/13/2009 7:19 PM by Oryx
You must log in for this feature to work.Top 10 Bizarre Modern Paranormal Phenomena\/adder437826/15/2009 4:48 AM by GreyKat
You must log in for this feature to work.Myth Busters «1 2 »SnArF2597703/11/2009 11:30 AM by DrRJones
You must log in for this feature to work.GNOMES!!!shotgun mario226631/4/2009 3:12 AM by Greg
You must log in for this feature to work.Your Local Urban Legends «1 2 3 »-=Kid-Sparkle=-55175949/10/2008 9:25 PM by shotgun mario
You must log in for this feature to work.Bunnyman Tunnelshotgun mario533948/14/2008 8:40 PM by shotgun mario
You must log in for this feature to work.'Ring Around the Rosie'6 Atomic 6 Garden 61057998/14/2008 7:18 PM by Atno000
You must log in for this feature to work.outside readingBurzum125467/26/2008 5:08 AM by Baroque Doll
You must log in for this feature to work.Technique.-=Kid-Sparkle=-1544217/25/2008 12:30 PM by Shael
You must log in for this feature to work.Poll: Favorite Urban Legends «1 2 »Plytheman39111487/23/2008 7:43 PM by DashingFlamingos
You must log in for this feature to work.Meth lab = asbestos????HillbillyHorus1138803/28/2008 10:00 PM by Furious D
You must log in for this feature to work.Fan DeathTyralus1848558/7/2007 8:52 AM by Steed
You must log in for this feature to work.Ghost encounters and storiesMutt12834633/10/2007 8:10 PM by Brind
You must log in for this feature to work.haunted houses «1 2 »Burzum3198991/24/2007 7:26 AM by dan-in-ca
You must log in for this feature to work.The "government" is controlling the weather?DevilC226169/18/2006 2:29 PM by Watcher
You must log in for this feature to work.All of Your Needsgod_of_fear120139/8/2006 11:36 PM by HillbillyHorus
You must log in for this feature to work.Denver International AirportSinister Crayon942287/7/2006 8:52 PM by Mutt12
You must log in for this feature to work.Urban Myth in the making?GreyKat1328643/24/2006 2:16 AM by FoxTwoFoxTwo
You must log in for this feature to work.Texas chainsaw massacre6 Atomic 6 Garden 6928591/12/2006 4:28 PM by Watcher
You must log in for this feature to work.Sing a song of sixpence6 Atomic 6 Garden 69268212/8/2005 3:11 AM by rainman8889
You must log in for this feature to work.wowsers. cool "ghost" story-=Kid-Sparkle=-3331110/16/2005 5:05 PM by HillbillyHorus
You must log in for this feature to work.Area 51phae-girl1943457/6/2005 5:46 PM by KublaKhan
You must log in for this feature to work.Spontanious Combustion «1 2 »6 Atomic 6 Garden 62066823/26/2005 9:00 PM by Slickis
You must log in for this feature to work.Favorite Urban LegendsPlytheman320162/23/2005 1:58 AM by rainman8889
You must log in for this feature to work.College Urban LegendsKenshin117842/23/2005 1:27 AM by rainman8889
You must log in for this feature to work.Greetingsphae-girl1024642/19/2005 9:51 AM by HauntedPA
You must log in for this feature to work.I think there was a ghost downstairs...Plytheman3195711/5/2004 9:46 PM by Plytheman
You must log in for this feature to work.The Crying Baby (post your true stories)Heartless3182710/2/2004 8:40 AM by Carrie@HPA
You must log in for this feature to work.Got a new book the other daySnArF8221710/1/2004 3:52 AM by SnArF
You must log in for this feature to work.Baker's Hoax.-=Kid-Sparkle=-120578/21/2004 3:15 PM by Burzum
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