The Urban Adventure Site

Do NOT enter drains. Read this warning!

UA City World MapHexadus and Macka's 10th February 1998

This trio of drains is located along a suburban creek. Only a few minutes walk apart from each other this trio of drains made a good day out.

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Map showing the location of Hexadus, Mackas and Big Bastard
Note: The map is not accurate and is drawn from estimates of where features are in relation to above ground.

Hexadus Rating:11th December 1997.

These drains are near the Back Creek drains and Chameleon

Hexadus is quite a nice tunnel, with some really good slides in it.

The entrance. There are in fact two RCPs here, Hexadus is the larger one, downstream of the smaller Macka's which it's self is almost right under a road bridge. The sides of the creek are steep but there are quite a few rocks one can walk on which offer good grip. Just upstream of Hexadus 's are some stepping stones over the creek, look for the one in a tire and you're on the right spot. 2000. There is now a deep pool at the mouth of this drain.

The entrance to Hexadus with the entrance to Macka's barely visible at the base of the bridge.
The creek along here has been channeled into a garish and artificial 'creek'.

The mouth of Hexadus is new, a section of RCP was added when they put the freeway in. Just in from here the tunnel changes into a RBT. I found it easiest to just walk down the middle of the tunnel and get your feet wet as it tends to get slippery on it's sides.

I soon cmae to the first of six slides in this drain. These are all each about 1.2 meters high, and very slippery. It is possible to crawl up them but it's not easy. It's better to use the step irons on the right hand wall.


The problem is that the second slide does not have a hand rail. The favored method for navigating this slide is to use the step irons for hand grips and to crawl up the slide. Above this slide in large letters on the right hand side of the tunnel the unmistakable tag of Mullet, a UA City drainer who has since passed away while mountain climbing. Most of the slides are also sites for manholes so are well lit.

Manholes let in light to the slides - note the calcite leaking from the drain walls

It looks steeper than it really is

Looking down a slide

The tunnel runs dead straight under the road above, heading south into the suburbs. It's a very easy walk apart from the second slide. Looking up through manholes you soon tell that the tunnel dips far under ground. There is also a section of this drain that has partially collapsed. The occasional drain explorer tag is seen on the walls. Finally the drain comes to a small room containing a split which is adorned by tags and messages. From the split two small 1.2 / 1.4 meter RCPs continue the tunnel but neither luck out to anything.

The floor of the drain is red brick, and hence quite slippery


Macka's Rating:

Or as Prowler would say: 'Not Mackers, Macka's' - Don't mistake this drain for a certain fast food chain or they'll probably be a bit miffed.

Macka's is just 50 meters upstream from Hexadus. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's not worth doing, it's just that it's not all that fantastic. Maybe I'm a bit harsh on it, but after doing Hexadus and then doing Big Bastard I'd say it's not exactly the Ritz. Still, it's not too hard, so pop in for a visit.

Close up shot of Mackas, it's just high enough to stand up in.

It starts off like Hexadus as a new RCP and changes into an RBT eventually. Unlike Hexadus, this tunnel has a much longer section of RCP before you come to the RBT section. It also has a lot of curves, many more than shown on the map.

Do NOT enter drains! Drain exploration is illegal in UA City. Drains can be subject to methane producing slime and flash floods. We suggest you don�t take it up. Drain exploration can cause grazed knees and humiliation. This web site allows you to see all that there is to see in drains.

Do NOT enter drains. Read this warning!

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