18 / 30   city steam tunnel full lights.jpg
Tunnel that heads out under the city. I walked in about 50ft then turned back. Must of been 150+degrees. It took your breath away. No Airflow down there.
12/18/2005 12:39 AM | remove
that was a smart move, DW... I work in a paper mill and everything there is steam heated from the on-site power plant. Inside the dryer hoods of the paper machines, it's well over 160 degrees+... it does take your breath away. Sweat instantly pops and drys almost immediately... you can die just as quick in an environment like this as you can in the cold. I never took that seriously until I started this job.
6/8/2007 3:03 AM | remove
Haha, I've almost passed out in those things so many times.
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