Denison Plant (Asbestos Plant)

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This location has been labeled as Demolished, and therefore can be viewed by anyone.


An asbestos plant currently embroiled in several lawsuits.
Large factory complex with several buildings and one main building and includes a water tower.
11.29.2023 - Demolished 2023.
Large factory complex with several buildings and one main building and includes a water tower.
11.29.2023 - Demolished 2023.

Basic Information
Type: Building
Status: Demolished
Accessibility: Easy - it's gone
Recommendation: forget it
Status: Demolished
Accessibility: Easy - it's gone
Recommendation: forget it

- asbestos

Security Measures
- fences
- barbed wire
- 24 hour guard
- locked gates
- welded doors
- cameras
- there is a groundskeeper that WILL call the cops immediately if you're discovered; the cameras are also a live feed

Required Equipment
- flashlight
- breathing mask
- gloves
- long pants / sleeves
- towelettes
- RESPIRATOR (did I mention this was an asbestos plant?)

Physical Information
5821 N Hwy 75/69
Denison, Texas
United States
Owner: James Caldwell
5821 N Hwy 75/69
Denison, Texas
United States
Owner: James Caldwell

Interesting Features
Water tower!
Water tower!

Historical Dates
Built: 0
Closed: 0
Closed: 0

Recommended Equipment
flashligt, gloves, long pants / sleeves. RESPIRATOR

The only assumtion I have of what may have been made here were pipes. I assume that based on the JM Eagle website. I wasn't able to find any information specific to this location.
While scoping the largest building, I surprisingly heard music and then hammering and made a quick retreat. I really wanted to climb the water tower and see the inside of the buildings.
While scoping the largest building, I surprisingly heard music and then hammering and made a quick retreat. I really wanted to climb the water tower and see the inside of the buildings.

Media Coverage

Future Plans
It will likely become a superfund project when EPA gets around to it.

Mon, Jul 25th, 2016

Web Links


Moderator Rating
The moderator rating is a neutral rating of the content quality, photography, and coolness of this location.
Category | Rating |
Photography | 8 / 10 |
Coolness | 7 / 10 |
Content Quality | 6 / 10 |


This location's validation is current.
It was last validated by
Emperor Wang on 11/30/2023 4:36 AM.

Latest Changes
- on Nov 30 23 at 4:36, Emperor Wang validated this location
- on Nov 30 23 at 4:33, Emperor Wang changed the following: Street Address, History, Security Measures, Recommended Equipment
- on Nov 29 23 at 20:08, fr00tCake added some pictures to a gallery
- on Nov 29 23 at 20:07, fr00tCake created a new gallery
- on Nov 29 23 at 20:07, fr00tCake changed the following: Status, Accessibility, Recommendation, Description
- on Apr 19 23 at 20:31, Emperor Wang validated this location
- on Apr 19 23 at 20:30, Emperor Wang changed the following: Description, Web Links
- on Apr 19 23 at 17:14, fr00tCake changed the following: Owner, Street Address, Web Links
- on Aug 21 19 at 13:08, Steed validated this location
- on Aug 21 19 at 4:43, Radio2600 updated gallery Historical Photos

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