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Draining, tunnels, maintenence, sewers.
Re: So- you've asked for a location!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Yield

If you were looking for a free ride you should have joined a local fuck buddy site

thats not really a free ride. Its just he wanted to gain acces to more locations. i dont see how thats a free ride. Thats just wanting to explore more

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North of Chicago, IL
*Therrin puts on the penguin-suit
Re: So- you've asked for a location!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Yield

If you were looking for a free ride you should have joined a local fuck buddy site

Wait, you mean, this isn't... omg! my bad. I've been here for 3 years and I only just now realized this ISN'T actually a fuck buddy site. whoops.
Re: So- you've asked for a location!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Heh, some locations I have wondered about were ridiculously easy to find when I put my mind to it and used a little Google-fu.

Including so called "secret" drains and suchlike.
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Race Traitor
Re: So- you've asked for a location!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by RaptorBoyZim

thats not really a free ride. Its just he wanted to gain acces to more locations. i dont see how thats a free ride. Thats just wanting to explore more

No, that's just wanting to visit more abandonments without doing the legwork.
Phoenix, Az, Sector zz9 Plural Z Alpha
This space for rent
Re: So- you've asked for a location!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Therrin

Wait, you mean, this isn't... omg! my bad. I've been here for 3 years and I only just now realized this ISN'T actually a fuck buddy site. whoops.

Liar. You can TOTALLY get laid from being on this site.
Usually naked
The Delta Quadrant
Resistance is Futile
Re: So- you've asked for a location!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Jonno23

Liar. You can TOTALLY get laid from being on this site.

No one ever got laid because of UER.
[last edit 7/13/2012 1:48 PM by Astro - edited 1 times]
Phoenix, Az, Sector zz9 Plural Z Alpha
This space for rent
Re: So- you've asked for a location!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
As stated before, women get raped in abandonments all the time.

Thanks UER.
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North of Chicago, IL
*Therrin puts on the penguin-suit
Re: So- you've asked for a location!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Stay classy UER.
Culloden, GA
Re: So- you've asked for a location!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I wish this worked like facebook and I could like comments! I can't stop laughing at the verb 'arse'.....lets go arse'ing tonight XD
[last edit 8/23/2012 2:51 PM by cartographer - edited 1 times]
Where I want to be, not where I should be.
I'm a man of many hats.
Re: So- you've asked for a location!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
i feel like there's a problem tho with people jumping to judgement sometimes and assuming that because someone may be asking for ideas that they are asking for gps coords or something super-specific about sites or where to look. While i understand that people may view asking for even vague ideas of where to look as repulsive, it makes it very hard to get started on here, especially when a) one doesnt have access to a computer on demand like many people do these days. b) one doesnt have time or a way to research as thoroughly as one would like a place one may be going to visit. I've put pics up, put up threads seeing who would be interested in some of the places i know about, and maybe learning of some spots around here i dont know of. i understand why people say its an unwritten rule and all that good stuff, i just dont get why when someone puts in an effort to do the things like post, and be constructive as possible, why some people feel the need to almost immediately alienate people based upon assumption or misunderstanding...
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Race Traitor
Re: So- you've asked for a location!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Anaklusmos
i feel like there's a problem tho with people jumping to judgement sometimes and assuming that because someone may be asking for ideas that they are asking for gps coords or something super-specific about sites or where to look. While i understand that people may view asking for even vague ideas of where to look as repulsive, it makes it very hard to get started on here, especially when a) one doesnt have access to a computer on demand like many people do these days. b) one doesnt have time or a way to research as thoroughly as one would like a place one may be going to visit. I've put pics up, put up threads seeing who would be interested in some of the places i know about, and maybe learning of some spots around here i dont know of. i understand why people say its an unwritten rule and all that good stuff, i just dont get why when someone puts in an effort to do the things like post, and be constructive as possible, why some people feel the need to almost immediately alienate people based upon assumption or misunderstanding...

Asking for locations is a far, far lesser activity than going out and researching and exploring and tracking down locations. I consider people who ask for locations to be not urban explorers.

New and don't know a lot of places to go? That's a natural consequence of being new. With experience, that will change.

Don't have a computer and/or access to the Internet? Time to join the 20th century. These days everyone pretty well carries the Internet around in their pocket, so you have no excuse.

Don't blame your lack of skills/tools on everybody else.

If you are going to ask about locations, rather than "Handouts plz," it's better to find out about a location, either in the forums or the LDB or even off-site, and then consider privately asking whoever's posted about it if it's still worth visiting. There's a big difference there.
Charlotte, NC
ALL the flashlights!
Re: So- you've asked for a location!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
If you don't have internet, find the nearest guys in a machine/maintenance shop. Buy them beers, talk about tools, and take notes about which old factories had the best tool rooms.
The Wild West
Life's short; eat dessert first.
Re: So- you've asked for a location!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Steed

Don't have a computer and/or access to the Internet? Time to join the 20th century. These days everyone pretty well carries the Internet around in their pocket, so you have no excuse.

No internet in my pocket; sadly, my cheap phone only works as a phone (and takes pictures I can't download). Fancy new phones may be financially out of reach for some.

Re: computer access, try your local library (truly no excuses on that count, I think).
Where I want to be, not where I should be.
I'm a man of many hats.
Re: So- you've asked for a location!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Problems solved.... now all I need is a Cam!
Charlotte, NC
ALL the flashlights!
Re: So- you've asked for a location!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Anaklusmos
Problems solved.... now all I need is a Cam!

I got a a loaner camera (kodak easyshare) for $12. What do you want a camera for? Asbestos porn?
[last edit 11/9/2012 1:34 AM by AnAppleSnail - edited 1 times]
Re: So- you've asked for a location!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I is begin explow, I wan location of evry plase in cuntry, pacifcally govment propty in foam of foto af yu n yuor friends at place wit face visble, gimme location I is not cop. I is great explo frum mid east I make you famus. again i is not law infocement n i intent to yuse it to explow and post entrance n locashun un twatter n sicret locashun. yu wil be rewarded hansumlie n make famus tank yu in edvance.
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North of Chicago, IL
*Therrin puts on the penguin-suit
Re: So- you've asked for a location!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by The Keymaster
I is begin explow, I wan location of evry plase in cuntry, pacifcally govment propty in foam of foto af yu n yuor friends at place wit face visble, gimme location I is not cop. I is great explo frum mid east I make you famus. again i is not law infocement n i intent to yuse it to explow and post entrance n locashun un twatter n sicret locashun. yu wil be rewarded hansumlie n make famus tank yu in edvance.

^^ This is what you get from carrying the internet around in your pocket.
Re: So- you've asked for a location!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Yeah, God damn foreigners.
Ontario, California
Heya explorers!
Re: So- you've asked for a location!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I must say that at first I really didn't understand what was up with the secrecy and the feeling of being looked at like a new kid in grade school and everyone just glancing over at me and not allowing me to play with them, BUT (yes there is a but) I TOTALLY understand now why it is this way.

This site and it's users are passionate about their places, its personal and wholesome to them and they are doing their best to protect it. That is why they have achieved the status that they have and are so high up in the rankings. I have barely received access to forum posts and only now am I really going through them and getting a good feel for this site.

I've never been exploring, save for wandering off of a hiking trail or peeking in caves, but I can't wait to get started for real.

Jeeze.. am I ranting? Anyway, thanks for the clarification! Hope I can find my way into the seat of exploring greatness (or being an official member) sooner rather than later.
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North of Chicago, IL
*Therrin puts on the penguin-suit
Re: So- you've asked for a location!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum

To the N00bz:


Think of it like sex. You don't just randomly PM someone and be like "Heeeeeeey, wanna fuck?"

I mean, it'll work at SOME point, but it's really not what works the best. And the quality of what you're gonna get is questionable.

If you think someone has good "resources" for you (ahem), maybe get to know them a little, spend some time talking to them, find common ground first. Don't just hit them with the question right out of the damn gate.

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