Posted by Send4Help New locations are great to post! The only thing people are sticklers about here is posting location names, addresses, and entry information. We encourage photos, stories about your trip, or even relevant historical information (that doesnt give away the stuff mentioned above, if it is a "sensitive" location). I would start on a regional forum and start interacting with other posts on there or make some threads of your explorations. If you are into photography you can also try your luck in the main "Photography" forum and get people's opinion of your work. Hope that helps. Welcome to UER! Edit: Spelling |
I've still noticed a lot of people don't understand that they can contribute before becoming full members. Here's more information.
-Post your photos (unless you're from MSP). If you are unsure whether a certain detail is too much, don't give it. Nobody will give you shit for just posting pictures with no text (except people in MSP).
-Comment on other people's photos.
-Be active in your regional forum, talk to people in your region by PM, and join events or meet up with them.
-Post in the Photo Critiques board.
-Start discussions in Main, Rookie Forum, or UE Tutorials, or add comments to others. Be active in conversations about how to do things, or ethics, or whatever else pops up.
-Ask questions if you don't understand something. Yes there are stupid questions and people might laugh at you. Show you aren't fazed, and people will start to like you.
-Call people on blatant bullshit, or join in on whatever campaign we've got going against some external source of bullshit.
-Post entry information fir abandonments. In many cases it's best to leave out their location, or even their name, or sometimes even their city or state.
-Ask for locations. It's considered an embarrassing faux pas that's hard to pull out of.
-Post off-topic stuff in UE-specific forums.
-Overreact to criticism. We can smell weakness through our computer screens. It's a special feature of full membership.
-Post a ton of clickbait articles ("Some dude's trip to Pripyat", "36 Amazing Abandoned Places. OMG 14 had me shi...", "Crazy Russians go on another roof") especially if they've already been posted.
-Post image macros. They have their purpose, and they can be deployed well or poorly, but the site owner hates them.