Crypton's Profile
Registered On
9/14/2010 11:54 PM
Last Seen
1/27/2025 6:06 AM
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Full Member
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UE Conventions this member has attended (view all conventions)
The first annual Choo Choo City URBEX was amazing! We hit four locations all very different from the each other. We explored an abandoned trainyard, an abandoned feed silo and surrounding grounds, an abandoned floating nightclub/restaurant, and an abandoned hotel and restaurant. We had people from LA, AL, GA, TN, NC. Everyone had a great time, and we are going to be planning another event soon to hit some of the places we didn't go to this time.
The southeast puts chestfest to shame in a two day, alcohol and clove fueled adventure-rop-and-rope-o-rama, Locations ranged from super-tall grain silos, to floating restaurants, to catwalks, to awnings at a grocery store. Southern Urban Loitering, or S(ul) made a surprise appearance too.
This convention was set up after several UER members from across the NC/SC/GA area expressed interest in exploring the Department of Mental Health Complex in Columbia SC. Attendees explored SC's only Kirkbride Asylum, as well as the more modern psychiatric facilities littered about the campus. As the mental health campus is expected to be sold to developers within the year, this event may be the last exploring convention held at these locations. There were 20 attendees.
Chattsplore 2.0 had over 9,000 people meet up for the second epic group exploration of Chattanooga on August 26th and 27th. UER members and guest came from all over, Alabama, Alaska, Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. Some used their mod expense accounts to get a hotel, the rest of us camped for real. We visited several of Chattanooga finer locations, ranging from upscale hotels, floating restaurants, a military base, some wonderful trains, an underground dog fighting ring or crack house, an incredibly imposing feed silo, and a bridge. Fun was had by all and new sites were seen by many! Actually, that have been only 26 people.
Thirteen members from Atlanta, Georgia, Central/West/East NC, Virginia converged on the Raleigh, NC area.

A dozen explorers met up with me, AnAppleSnail, and traveled to some of the highlights of the Triangle area. Above, below, and inside the city's best, we started before the sun came up and kept going long after it went down. We explored factories, climbing (billboard & water tower), rooftops, drains, elevators, and even an anechoic chamber.
Showcasing the jewels of the Queen and Gem Cities, VCXPEX brought together explorers from Ohio, Kentucky, Michigan, Indiana, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, North Carolina, Georgia, Missouri, Texas and Canada for a three day, two city exploration / restaurant occupation extravaganza.
During this legendary weekend meetup, 25 explorers from all around the US and Canada converged on DJ Craig's small hometown of Johnson City, TN, to explore its many industrial wonderlands of rust and asbestos. The meetup included two nuclear plants, two large coal plants, a drain with a waterslide, and a massive tailrace tunnel for the grand finale.
The first annual Seattle-based exploring convention that drew members from all over the country. We explored mills, nuclear power plants, boats and breweries. We swung through the air beneath bridges, walked above the clouds on rooftops of downtown Seattle, and surfed the elevators of unsuspecting occupants.
VCXPEX II was a weekend of raucous fun that spanned Dayton, Middletown, and Cincinnati, Ohio. Members were in attendance from all over the US/Canada including those from Washington, Texas, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Ontario, New York, Michigan, and Tennessee. We saw everything from Civil War era paper mills to entire abandoned neighborhoods, ate some of the best food SW Ohio has to offer, and defiled the Mothafukkin Great Wolf Lodge!
Starting in the late night and wee hours of the morning,a huge adventure began. Explorers from multiple states and Canada united together in the Pacific NorthWest for a coffee-fueled, exploring packed weekend of rooftops, elevator surfing, correctional facilities, stores, laboratories and drains galore! From long hikes in the woods to far off locations to tide-cradled mills by the shore, it was a long weekend of misadventure and naked memories!
Starting with a Portland Pre-game draining-turned-rescue-mission and ending with poop towels in Seattle, SeaPex II brought in Explorers from the East coast to the Best Coast, Americans and Canadian alike! Seattle rooftops were hopped, bridges were climbed, abandonments thoroughly infiltrated and their undergrounds explored. Through the rain, lightning, hail, and mudslides, SeaPex II just kept on SWINGING!
For two days, Seattle gave Portland their best, from Kent to Sedro Wooley and many sites in-between. Together we explored asbestos-laden crypts, invaded the Land of Holes, endured the embrace of blackberry vines, and did many other things. But, happily, we weren’t able to do everything!  So we shall meet again.

Who came:

JennyUE (organizer)
Member Status
This user was marked as Full Member on 1/11/2011 2:04 PM by Steed