Brind's Profile
Registered On
7/24/2005 7:45 PM
Last Seen
1/29/2025 12:17 PM
Access Level
Full Member
Custom Title
Kitchener, ON
Name History
Mr. Van de Mar
UE Conventions this member has attended (view all conventions)

The fourth annual Opex international explorers meet. Explorers from many American states as well as Canada and Australia met in Buffalo, NY to see the sights and make new friends.

A group of explorers from Ontario and the northeaster US gathered in Rochester, NY for a weekend full of fun and amazing locations.

Once again, almost 30 people from the US and Canada convened in Rochester for a weekend of exploring western NY. We explored factories, hospitals, tunnels, and topped it all off with a formal dress pizza party on the roof of Mcfadden's.

The Bennington Lockout Meet took place in and around Rochester, NY, from July 31st to August 2nd. Several Canadians made the journey to Rochester in order to meet and explore with the Rochester explorers. The large group ventured into the subway late at night, and explored creeks, caves, drains, hospitals, and factories. After long days of intense exploring, the group kicked back and played board games and drank beers to celebrate successful trips.

Originally intended to be the Bennington Lockout Redux, the Pyrotechnics meet turned out to be a huge, fireworks-laden extravaganza over three days and in dozens of locations. We gathered a large group in a cave behind Lower Falls and set off an obscene amount of fireworks and then wrapped with a fun cookout.

Here's the 6th edition of UrbexMalt, one of the biggest urban explorers meeting in North America, held once again in Montreal
For the first time this year, the event went international, with guests coming from Australia, USA, UK and of course Canada. This year's event was once again bigger than the previous one, with a total of 180 people who have attended.
Many improvements were done this year, including a huge mural by artist Jean-François Charest, the addition of a cinema room, lighting and ambient effects in the main room, a "fire breathing" performance, stickers made for the occasion, and new artefacts including the building's original blueprints from 1905 and 1930.
The group picture, taken at the same spot every year, was a real challenge to achieve: two levels of 40 feet-long benches were installed to fit the 150 people present on the picture.
For the first time this year, the event went international, with guests coming from Australia, USA, UK and of course Canada. This year's event was once again bigger than the previous one, with a total of 180 people who have attended.
Many improvements were done this year, including a huge mural by artist Jean-François Charest, the addition of a cinema room, lighting and ambient effects in the main room, a "fire breathing" performance, stickers made for the occasion, and new artefacts including the building's original blueprints from 1905 and 1930.
The group picture, taken at the same spot every year, was a real challenge to achieve: two levels of 40 feet-long benches were installed to fit the 150 people present on the picture.
Member Status
This user was marked as Full Member on 9/24/2005 6:47 PM by Servo