The Urban Adventure Site

Do NOT enter drains. Read this warning!

UA City World MapFoxhole.
Updated 15th November 2000

This is a small and unimposing drain. Not all that exciting, but with a couple of interesting shape changes. It starts off as a large RCP type drain, with a few short slides inside it. I did take photos of the slides and arch sections of the drain, but for some reason they did not come out well.

One eerie effect I felt in the drain was caused by the small slide just upstream from the arch section of the drain. As I approached the slide, the sound of water rushing down it grew quite alarmingly. More than normal for a small slide. I though that I was about to be hit by a small flash flood so I raced back down the drain to the arch section where the drain was wider. It took three tries before I finally walked up to the slide and realised the unusual effect of the drain acoustics.

This drain has 2 entrances, both which were high enough to navigate. The upper end features stairs, much like the upper entrance to Sloths.

Above, downstream entrance. - Below, upstream entrance

Important Warning! Exploration of drains in UA City is NOT legal. Do NOT enter these drains. This site is for your viewing pleasure only. Information about the location of drains is being progressively removed from this site. In all sincerity exploring drains is dangerous and somewhat boring after you have done a few of them. We do not wish to encourage you to explore them. Please keep out of drains. You can see all you want on the Internet anyway.

Do NOT enter drains. Read this warning!

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