The Urban Adventure Site



UA City World MapIn March 2001 I revisited the Chowder Bay bunkers. I discovered some new bunkers that I had not explored before. It was great to explore these new bunkers and areas of bunkers that I had already explored before.



Old search light emplacement offers superb views over the bay.

It forms a brilliant vantage point to observe the water craft.

I found this old bunker entrance and just had to climb on in.

The ruins and rock from the inside. It is part of a bunker I had already explored

Bunker passages, note the remains of a stretcher on the left

Passage with strangely textured walls

Passage and side rooms

Side passage

Passage, seep water flows along the floor

The passage sloped down into a flooded section. The water was freezing.

That staircase again

Passage leading out into the light

The main gun emplacement, the door leads down into the bunkers below

You might think I have added a blue filter to this image, but this is how it turned out. The concrete was a deep blue, almost violet.

Path down to a flooded bunker

The tower again

Bunker in the jungle

Locked bunker door.

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