Escape from angry teenagers.
Mon, Jun 13th, 2022
posted by Wowee

On this day I was going on a bike ride. At one point I saw a side road and was curious where it went. I rode over to this road and here, I made the worst mistake that I would make all day. I rode past a group of about 4 teenagers who were throwing up a jug of suspicious yellow liquid. One of them asked me for "the password" and I foolishly did not respond. When I saw them getting onto their bikes, I realized that I had made a major mistake, and started pedaling as hard and fast as I could.

Eventually, I came across the outfall of this drain and quickly bolted inside, forgetting my bike outside on the side of the path in my rush. About 30 seconds later, they reached the drain and must have seen my bike ditched at the entrance. One of them yelled in "You're going to die in there!" and afterwards I heard a loud splash from the outfall area. I was fearful that one of them had tossed my bicycle into the stream, which would have been quite problematic for me, since it was my only way home, other than walking several miles. Eventually, I reached the main show of this drain, the funnel. Once here, I climbed the sloped flowing area and I saw a well made mural on the wall. I turned back and trudged through the tunnel again, fearful of what happened to my bike. Thankfully, my bike was still dry on the side of the path and the boys were gone. Overall, this is a pretty neat drain, and I am thankful that it saved me from the angry group of teenage boys. :)