Sat, Dec 20th, 2008
posted by LostInPa

The most fun i've ever had at a local abandonment was here durring abatement. Workers would do their shift every day, and then we would take over after they left. Being careful not to disturb any of their expensive equiptment, we would take full advantage of what they had turned our playground into. Dress rooms full of peanut butter cups, waders for exploring the basement, lighted interior 24/7, heated all winter, clean spots with power to hang out, and more!

We could go inside the turbine hall in the dead of winter, crank on the heaters, take off your coat and hoodie, and sit and watch a movie or just hang out in total comfort. It was great! We even left a few notes for the workers, and they wrote back.

It was good times to be had by all...