Some updated info
Sat, Apr 11th, 2009
posted by Skypeeper

This is located at 2179 Regional Rd #3, which is inside Enniskillen boundaries. The place now (April 10, 2009) has yellow jacket wasps added to the list of inhabitants there! Bring the Wasp RAID...

The for-sale sign is no longer there, when I visited today, and the home owner was washing his car in the driveway, across the street, as I merrily explored the outside of the main house. He didn't seem to care at all, and hardly a glance was passed my way. His dog barked for a few minutes at me, and he told him to go lay down.. nothing to bark at. :)

When I encountered the swarm of wasps, I had to get out of there. They were very aggressive, even though I was more than 50 feet from the home. They live inside the hole, in the brick window fram, of the east side, top window, of the house. Winter would be a good time to visit.