Location DB > United States > Texas > Big Bend > Various Places > past, present, future...

Story Info
Mon, Jul 28th, 2008
posted by Urban Caver
past, present, future...

Big Bend is home.. It's where i go when the city is too hectic, when life stops making sense, or just when i need a place to relax and feel at ease.


My father is an interesting person, he started taking us camping before we could walk, the chihuahua desert was his favorite locale. We were taught to shoot shortly after we could walk, taught how to tie snares, identify snakes, and set traps before we were in school. I guess some people get lucky, i know i did.

He would take us to the park 2-4 times per year, we had great friends in the stillwell's (stillwell ranch, still there today; you can camp, pickup food, or just bs for hours). We used to play in Luna's Jacal, hike the lost mine peak, and cause our mom to bust a vein when she caught me (age 8) and my brother (age 13) smoking while walking back from helping some tourists. I remember getting sprayed in the face by a horned toad, and my brother finding out the hard way that a vinegaroon is NOT a scorpion, and you should never squash one in your tent.

I decided it was time to make a change around 2004, i traveled all over the u.s. doing network cabling, programing, server upgrades, etc.. Mainly i was trying to find home.. 1 day a friend who had never been camping asked me to take them somewhere, i chose big bend. We left around midnight with clear weather, and arrived around 8 am or so right after a nice desert shower.. The first thing that hit me was the smell.. If you have ever been to the high deserts, you will know the smell.. Wet clay mixed with mesquite and greasewood.. My friend looked at me, asked what was wrong as i "looked weird", all i could say was "i'm home".

We spent a week exploring, i showed her spots i played in when i was a kid, long since boarded up or weathered beyond recognition. I woke her at 3 am and took her to the scenic loop on a night with no moon to show her a sky she had never seen before, and a sky i remembered so well. We left the park in silence.. Her's due to never having been camping in the past, and never having seen anything like it before; and mine due to not wanting to leave and knowing i would be returning soon.

We arrived at the house in San Antonio around 5 am... She went to bed, i hopped online and started hunting, 2 days later i was the proud owner of 20 acres located in terlingua, about 13 miles of dirt roads from my nearest neighbor.

Much of my time is now split between terlingua and san antonio.. if i had it my way, i would be in terlingua full time.. the big bend region is stunning.. I have access to over 1200 miles of private roads, the people are amazing, and it's the one place i have found in the U.S. where i can come back after being gone for a year, and everyone picks up with me where they left off.

There is so much left to explore out there, and i assume i will never find it all.. that being said.. i am more than willing to try.

The following gallery is a compilation of pics from different trips out there, i hope you enjoy them, and i admit the photography probably is not the greatest, but being that they are a few years old, i at least hope you come away with a view of Big Bend through my eyes.
