Learning about security
Sun, Jan 22nd, 2006
posted by FoxTwoFoxTwo

So, last night, or this morning w/e. We went out.

This is going to be a short story... Just by it's very nature.

We walked to our planned entrance and got in. Immediately we bolted to find cover and get away from the shake sensor. When we got to the main building, I sent rocky up a ladder to the roof. Once he was up we kept moving and were walking by when we saw an open window! "well, what do we have here?" I thought and we sneakily opened it. Upon opening it enough to climb in, we prepared to go in. (we being Rocky and Fox (fox is me)) Upon grabbing the window sill (itself being another window section) we heard thump, thump, thump coming towards the window. That can only be one thing... security. I thought, "We are so busted" me and blink hit the dirt and were terrified, just looking up into the slanting window. (it opens by tilting on a central pivot point like | / -- ) we assumed we were going to just see the face of a security officer staring down at us. Around that time, all sorts of sirens decided to go off in the distance, also, we heard radio garbles very close and all around us. However, we finally called Rocky down from the roof and bolted to a nearby lean to where we heard from our surveillance team that security finally was gone from our planned exit. Now that I think about it, however, the window was high above eye level so the secoff probably saw the window open and walked to it, saw my hand and probably couldnt jump to see us and then probably went around to an exit that was unalarmed to come get us. Anyways, we were going to climb a big fat silo when I had either a message from God or just a good foresight and we decided to book it. Well, next time, no pics but I think I'm going to get inside.

EDIT: So, turns out there was a murder that night, around that area haha. Guess thats what all the sirens were for. Still no idea about the radio garble.