Hell of a Climb
Fri, Nov 12th, 2004
posted by redangelkitti

just got back from climbing on a roof, it was a hell of a climb up one ladder inside the building, the walk across a railroad track suspended mid air with nothing but a cable at calf height to hold on too...did i mention it was covered in an inch...seriously a whole inch of metal dust, then i have to shimmy my way over a pipe and onto a flimsy metal grate walkway
while managing not to slip off this one raliroad track, get to the end and have to crawl out of this nasty plastic stuff two stories in mid air making a two foot jump from the flimsy grate out the hole in the plastic stuff to the outside of a saftey cage on a fire escape ladder
damn i have never been so scared in my life

oh yeah getting down was fun too :-D