Fire At Beach Manor
Thu, Oct 28th, 2004
posted by james_pike123

Fire At Beach Manor

OH god, i used to go to beach manor like all the time when i went to prince of wales school right, well 6 months ago me and my two friends leah and kyle went in and decided to put it up in flames. we thought we'd be famous at school and stuff.. basicly we were idiots. we all got cought and i took all the blame and just about got charged with arson. scarey stuff. wel anyways in the "sunday flashes find" group of photos there is a picture of on the third floor, on a broken piece of floor theres a yellow melted plastic grocery bag. that was me right before we lit it on fire i believe. ha ha. it costed me threatend kick out, being charged with arson and losing two of my best friends, but in the end i wouldnt regret a thing.. haha, well thanks for making it this far into my experiences, bye

James Pike

<moderator edit>

The moderators and administrators of do not endorse or condone criminal acts of arson. It is reprehensible behavior and individuals who engage in this sort of activity are not to be considered 'urban explorers' of any sort - but merely criminals.

I've chosen to leave this story intact rather than delete it to serve as an example of the type of behavior legitimate urban explorers despise and detest.

Although Mr. Pike admits it to be "idiotic" - he concludes the story by mentioning he 'doesn't regret it'. I think I speak for many when I say this sort of mentality and attitude is extremely troubling to most sane and rational individuals.

Silent Knight
(LDB Moderator)