Getting The Pics
Mon, Sep 27th, 2004
posted by rogerneon

I was actually standing on private property when I took these pictures, although I was outside the fence. From the corner of my eye I noticed I was being approached by a security guard, although he was not coming very quickly, and had a fair amount of distance to cover. This gave me plenty of time to casually walk back to my car and drive away without looking like a felon fleeing the scene of the crime. For good measure I stopped halfway and snapped a picture of the overhead St. John's suspension bridge to give the impression that I was a photographer out just shooting things at random. This was months ago and my gas hasn't been turned off, so I'm guessing they've forgiven me, but it also explains why I only got three pictures.

The site can be legally viewed/photographed from the shoulder of nearby Highway 30, though this position is several hundred feet farther away than the one I used.

I have no idea of what, if anything is inside. I'll leave that question to those of you who are more agile and adventurous. Anyone who has a boat could probably get a fairly good view of the back of the building from the river.