The Civil War
Mon, Sep 20th, 2004
posted by miseryisabutterfly

So one cold October night, about a year ago, two friends and I decided to fully check the U-Lands out. Although I had been there before, I had never gone to the five stack area. As we headed east on 46, we started seeing people walking. Now, these weren't just regular people, these were people in military outfits. As they were walking, the started to drop these green glowing sticks. Obviously they were glow sticks, but we decided to park and go see what these green things were anyways. So we parked for a second, grabbed a few, and got back into the car. We were dissipointed that they were only sticks. We hoped they were some mysterious clue to some crazy puzzle. So we get back in the car and keep driving, not parking anywhere in fear of the car being destroyed. See, none of us actually used our heads that night. We started to drive through the woods in search of some of these mysterious men in military outfits. The car was in no shape to do this; we ended up getting stuck (and close to crapping our pants) a few times. We finally made it out of the woods with no luck in finding the men or any clue to why they were there. So for the next 30minutes we looked on side streets and roads until finally decided to go back to the three and a half stacks and park. So we go to building C (I think? The building by the three and a half stacks that had a docking bay attached to it). We turn around to back in and as soon as we do so, this white van pulls up and traps us inside. We had been there all night and it was already close to midnight, so we were scared out of our minds. This guy gets out of his car and taps on the window. He politely asks what were doing. We don't give him a response, but rather questions. He explains that there is a Civil War reinactment going on and that we better get our butts out of there. So we do so and end up calling it a night. This was probably the only time I was really scared to be there.