Sat, Oct 4th, 2003
posted by IIVQ

We walked into the tunnel towards chatelet which has a curve on one end and a concrete wall on the other, so inside it's really pitch-black. We had been there for maybe half an hour or so, playing with our lightsabres (electricity tubes with a flashlight attached which give a very nice light) and when we walked back we saw an angel standing.

It was Petr, which was looking up somewhere at a manhole in the ceiling, with a very little hole (maybe half a cm), trough witch some daylight came. This is not much light, but as our eyes were completely adapted to the dark, we saw Petr in this beam of light in the dusty air over there, which really made him look like an angel.

Unfortunately pictures don't show the feeling we all got, as film or ccd couldn't catch this few light really well.