My trips to the plant
Sun, Jun 27th, 2004
posted by railtech

My friends and I discovered this plant one afternoon, by accident. It was just down the road from their apartment. We decided we *had* to come back, later that night.

Well, we got flashlights and I had some wire cutters and what not and we went back after dark.

We went between the fence & the river, and I cut a small hole in the fence for us to enter by. After entering through my hole, and inside the fence, we walked down the driveway a bit and found someone had already made a HUGE hole in the fence... so mine was for naught...

The whole time, we were real nervous that the cops would come, or the ghetto-bird would fly over (TPD Helicopter) and spot us on the FLIR (Forward Looking Infra-Red; night vision camera). Anyway, we looked the place over pretty good, even found a basement. (The basement is flooded; you can go down about 8 steps, and then hit water with unknown number of steps remaining).

Anyway, after a few hours, we left. We went back the next day (Sunday) and there were DOZENS of FAMILIES walking all around the place!!! It was like it was some kind of park or something. So, apparently, the authorities don't care that much if you go for a visit.

There are also some fully enclosed concrete structures that we never could figure out how to get into, but we got under some of them... dirt floor with pipes. Appeard to be settling tanks.

There were a few pipes around the place that are still tied to the city water system, and leak! Also, there are a few valves you can play with and water will come out.

I think there are 3 different gates in & out of the place. One is very secure, a second has the 2 holes in the fence just down from it, and a third... well, it looks like BA Baracus drove the A-Team Van through the gate---it's just laying there, half on it's hinges, half on the ground.

I've been 3 or 4 different times... best to go in daylight to see stuff, but creepier at night.