fuck surface tension........
Fri, Feb 9th, 2007
posted by propaganda

in my younger, more foolish days, i was convinced that jumping off of a massive cliff into the quarry below, was a good idea. so my friend and i set out one summer day and hiked to the top. i stood, i my underwear, above the presipice, and after much deliberation hurled myself into the abyss. it was a fun ride down, but the fun ended as soon as i hit the water flat on my back. immediatly a horrible sharp pain shot throuhg me and i couldnt breathe, i flounderedd in the water like a child who could not swim, struggling to inhale, but mirraculously i was abnle to pull myself over to the edge and regain my breathe. as it turns out i had broken two ribs upon impact. you know what? fuck surface tension!