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2/6/2005 5:16 AM | remove
Very nice batch o pics, gambino. Could've used a little commentary though.
2/6/2005 2:45 PM | remove
Agreed! I like how the sunlight is coming through the holes in the siding. Neat!
2/6/2005 6:15 PM | remove
good job dude!! very nice pics.
2/6/2005 7:31 PM | remove
Thank you, i'll add some commentary soon.
2/6/2005 8:25 PM | remove
Thanks for the tour. With the new commentary it was like exploring with Dr. Suess.
2/6/2005 8:27 PM | remove
Gambino, that was some of the horriblest, worst, most terrible and forced commentary I've ever read on here. Which is to say, I loved it! :-)
2/9/2005 11:25 PM | remove
they made a bridge near here
3/9/2005 5:11 PM | remove
Great pics
3/27/2005 5:39 AM | remove
This picture is so the sweetest.
4/7/2005 10:44 PM | remove
That's a pretty sick picture... great gallery dude
4/9/2005 2:44 AM | remove
Thanks dude.
12/10/2005 7:20 PM | remove
Excellent pictures, Gambino! Did you used to work at this place, or did you just make up the stories about the workers? :-)
12/10/2005 10:29 PM | remove
I'm just some dude with a camera.
4/6/2008 5:36 PM | remove
Great pics, great commentary!
7/17/2009 7:57 PM | remove
I love the vivid details ^.^
12/20/2009 8:52 PM | remove
Mmmmm steel factory.
6/5/2013 2:27 AM | remove
Will add more comments soon I'm enjoying the memories of thirty years working in this place .
A regular worker would probably spend his or her-whole working life in the same area, whereas we maintenance workers were everywhere at all times
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