5 / 18   Stairwell
11/29/2004 2:32 PM | remove
Were these main stairwells or fire escapes?

Its just they look a little grim...
11/29/2004 5:40 PM | remove
It's an insane asylum!
11/29/2004 7:13 PM | remove
hahaha...yes, but thats why I am querying this. Asylums were typically designed to be pleasant places to be in. Here we have bare brick walls and spiky railings. Its odd.
11/29/2004 7:36 PM | remove
No no.. I think this exemplifies the differing attitudes to asylum design and asthetics that Britain and the US took historically.

American asylum = Fluffy Prison
British Asylum = Hotel
11/29/2004 8:27 PM | remove
I was going to say its a bit prison like!

American asylum = Fluffy Prison
British Asylum = Secure Hotel
11/29/2004 8:28 PM | remove
Still is this the main stairs or maybe just staff stairs or suchlike?
11/30/2004 3:43 PM | remove
I believe patients used these, the cages were to keep them from jumping. The metalwork in the actual steps was quite intricate was well; although it is a bit moody, this photo does looks more sinister than it really is.
12/2/2004 1:51 AM | remove
Noho really is a pleasent looking place compared to some others I've been in.
12/3/2004 7:04 PM | remove
Indeed it is
7/12/2005 12:54 AM | remove
thats not very safe.. i could climb that grating and jump down to the spikes below and do some bad damage
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