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7/5/2007 4:49 AM | remove
I am so fucking awsome.
7/5/2007 5:50 AM | remove
Amen! Best Brook Run picture evar!
7/9/2007 1:54 PM | remove
gettin' jiggy with it...
7/10/2007 6:02 PM | remove
or squicky with it.
7/11/2007 6:00 AM | remove
you're not what i expected.
7/11/2007 7:18 AM | remove
Dude. If THAT is the first picture you've seen of me, then you are just not paying attention.
7/11/2007 5:55 PM | remove
how those lazer corneas workin out anyway, Mandy?
7/11/2007 7:45 PM | remove
Infrared, Ultraviolet, Visible Spectrum.... it's all yours with the BorgCon Radiant Energy Yield Enhancement Device (rEYEd)®. The practical uses are limited only by the cyborg's imagination: Focus on minutia with a magnification of 1000x; Telescope clearly and precisely to distances of 6 miles; Track motion in "absolute" darkness. The equipped cyborg will be the undisputed master of anything that requires vision, and that's a pretty good advantage to have....
7/11/2007 9:32 PM | remove
sorry, Mandias, that's the first pic i've really seen of you. I wasn't trying to be a jerk, I just don't recall seeing one before this.

7/11/2007 9:36 PM | remove
he's all over georgia.
7/12/2007 12:55 AM | remove
in triplicate.
7/12/2007 3:44 PM | remove
You can't see his estrogen-bred breasts that grow on his waist in this one.
7/13/2007 1:44 PM | remove
"those can't be real"
7/13/2007 3:52 PM | remove
Samurai clearly expected me to look like Clooney.
7/13/2007 5:29 PM | remove
actually, no.
7/13/2007 7:08 PM | remove
Okay, so that must be why you were confused when you realized that I look exactly like him, hunh?
7/13/2007 7:09 PM | remove
*it could have been Rosemary Clooney, but noooo, you let that one slip right through your grasp....
7/14/2007 11:15 AM | remove
you're right... an opportunity missed.
7/16/2007 4:14 PM | remove
Story of his life.
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