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11/1/2003 1:44 AM | remove
this is my personal fave
11/22/2003 2:39 AM | remove
can i make that my desktop?
11/30/2003 8:51 PM | remove
I would be *flattered*
4/9/2004 4:28 PM | remove
I remember the peacefulness of this strech. I went through there often, I did my intership in building 20. You really captured the essence. Great picture.
4/10/2004 3:13 AM | remove
you can tell its a little foggy cause my lense is crap. But yea this is where the landscaping of the place really makes an impact.
7/27/2005 1:48 AM | remove
Despite the depressing nature of the place, this was one of the better sites I worked at as a guard. I had lots of homework done and really enjoyed being outside.
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