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8/7/2006 7:40 AM | remove
i was in thins cottage it was on of the ones that they are keeping i was gust there last week i think that they are moving the two cottages im not shure
8/7/2006 10:51 PM | remove
Really? Keep us posted!
8/20/2006 5:21 AM | remove
shure...you no that there is a exhibit at the new hospital. there is like blue prints of the buildings and pics of the cottages when running. and like what the roof was made of. its relly cool there! i would advise that peaple would look at it.
8/20/2006 5:58 AM | remove
Yeah, I was checking out some time back. Found the blue prints to be very interesting. I'm hoping to get copies from the archives and am going to try my hand at building scale models of these. When will they be done? Don't know but I'm aiming for early 2008.
Wish me luck!
8/20/2006 6:27 AM | remove
wow thats cool good luck
8/20/2006 6:33 AM | remove
Thank you. :)
11/8/2006 6:38 PM | remove
i think that's a really interesting idea
11/9/2006 1:41 AM | remove
It is. I was denied access to the files and put in an appeal. The archives are doing an in depth discussion with the authorities and there is a chance I may yet be granted access. If that happens, I will begin construction of the scale models in May or June of 2007.
12/9/2006 7:14 AM | remove
you just going to do one or two cottages? or the hole thing? if you do get the blueprints send me a copy if you can:)
12/10/2006 11:18 PM | remove
I'll try. I will model as much of the site as I can. Probably start with building one model of each type of building and if I have the space, aim for the whole site.
1/12/2007 9:38 PM | remove
why did cottage 12 have a gray/silver colored roof? instead of the lovely red
1/13/2007 1:46 AM | remove
Probably was replaced again and the material was the cheapest crap at the time. Too much hassle and expense to match it with the other buildings.
1/14/2007 12:37 AM | remove
makes sense
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