12 / 24   Xrays of doom
This is not the xray machine of justice. It's evil. Evil I say, EVILLLLLLLL!

Oh yeah, it's ancient.
11/1/2005 6:35 PM | remove
It appears as though the sole use of this machine is to pound through or at least on a patient, industrial press style. Better health through bruising!
11/1/2005 7:09 PM | remove
Maxt - the principle you describe is shown in depth here:


It's clearly a 'brain fixing machine'.
11/1/2005 9:49 PM | remove
I thought it was a proctology exam table for reluctant patients...
11/5/2005 12:00 AM | remove
"okay this is going to feel a little cold..."
4/29/2006 8:54 AM | remove
Still some impressive looking stuff to just be sitting there...
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