1 / 48   Broken Wall
6/28/2004 8:34 PM | remove
There were some demolition crews we used to demolish our old studios, we called them the mad russians, because they were russians and they hit things like they were pissed off at them... they could take down a wall like that by hand <and sledge hammer> in about 20 minutes...
7/5/2004 9:40 PM | remove
I'm guessing this was behind one of those 'Danger Construction' barricades at TGH, & the only thing which saved this part of the wall were the controls attached to it. Maybe it used to be an elevator shaft?
7/6/2004 2:37 PM | remove
this isn't TGH...
1/30/2008 3:47 PM | remove
This is an aging cellar. The tanks with manway openings were installed right into the wall. They had to demolish it to detatch and recover the tanks. They sat on the steel supports you see behind the wall.
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