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After getting shot down at Edgar Base, I remebered that The Sundial inn was in Orillia just down the road from Barrie. Me and my partner decided ohh what the heck let's go check it out. We arrived around 6pm and found parking the legal way there after taking a drive around the place. We scouted for an entry way and found one but it took some timing and not getting seen to enter at this place. The place is right on the main drag of Hwy 11 on the outside of Orillia. Just try not to be seen in from the front of the place or the back as it's in the wide open. So we got into The Sundial inn and it was flooded, I don't know but as soon as you walked in to the hotel you can hear dripping and running water and I mean tons of it. You walk up the stairs, we saw the elevator, and the shaft was flooded almost all the way up to the floor we were standing on. If the flooding keeps happening the way it is I presume that the main floor will flood right out. I don't know how the flood started or if the pool over flowed or a toliet would not stop running after it closed but it's getting really bad in there. I only got 3 shots of the place as my other shots did not come out correctly and had to be deleted. I will be heading back there soon to do a follow up story on this place with a proper camera hopefully before it get's demolished.
My Short Adventure Through Sundial Inn
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