Bell Diamond Mine Headframe

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The abandoned headframe and winch building for the Diamond mine. The mineshaft itself beneath the headframe is sealed, but the headframe is still standing and climbable.
The top of the headframe has several pieces of broadcasting equipment mounted on it to be aware of, but otherwise the climb is easy. There's also a few open mineshafts nearby that are covered in grates, so it's possible that they might be ventilation shafts into the Diamond mine. The Diamond mine also connects to the Cobra mine at 1100 feet, though it's unknown whether that connection is flooded.
The top of the headframe has several pieces of broadcasting equipment mounted on it to be aware of, but otherwise the climb is easy. There's also a few open mineshafts nearby that are covered in grates, so it's possible that they might be ventilation shafts into the Diamond mine. The Diamond mine also connects to the Cobra mine at 1100 feet, though it's unknown whether that connection is flooded.

Basic Information
Type: Outdoors
Status: Abandoned
Accessibility: Easy
Recommendation: not very exciting
Status: Abandoned
Accessibility: Easy
Recommendation: not very exciting

- rust
- Falling hazard

Security Measures
- fences

Required Equipment

Physical Information

Interesting Features
There's a staircase ladder running all the way up the headframe that is easily climbable. The headframe itself sits on a the top of a hill and is thus one of the tallest points in Butte, so the view of the city from the top is one of the best you'll find.

Historical Dates
Built: 1898
Closed: 1958
Closed: 1958

Recommended Equipment

The Bell Diamond mine was a small copper mine, though it also produced gold, silver, lead, zinc, and arsenic. Descending to a depth of 3609 feet, it only had a single headshaft and was one of the older mines in the area.
Like many mines in Butte, the Bell Diamond mine has its share of fatalities.
In 1917 a worker named Joseph E. Sullivan was killed in a mining accident when the lagging he'd set his driller on collapsed and he fell. The mine was also one of those affected by the Speculator fire that same year, when smoke from a fire in the Speculator mine spread into the connected Bell Diamond and Badger State mines, suffocating 164 men.
In 1962 there was an explosion in the now- demolished surface buildings of the mine, though little information is available online for this incident.
Like many mines in Butte, the Bell Diamond mine has its share of fatalities.
In 1917 a worker named Joseph E. Sullivan was killed in a mining accident when the lagging he'd set his driller on collapsed and he fell. The mine was also one of those affected by the Speculator fire that same year, when smoke from a fire in the Speculator mine spread into the connected Bell Diamond and Badger State mines, suffocating 164 men.
In 1962 there was an explosion in the now- demolished surface buildings of the mine, though little information is available online for this incident.

Media Coverage

Future Plans


Photo Galleries

Web Links


Moderator Rating
The moderator rating is a neutral rating of the content quality, photography, and coolness of this location.
This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.
This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.


This location's validation is current.
It was last validated by
Emperor Wang on 3/16/2022 4:54 PM.

Latest Changes
- on Mar 16 22 at 16:54, Emperor Wang validated this location
- on Mar 16 22 at 16:52, Emperor Wang changed the following: Media Coverage, Web Links
- on Mar 16 22 at 14:20, Aran changed the following: Description
- on Mar 16 22 at 14:20, Aran made this location available
- on Mar 16 22 at 14:19, Aran changed the following: Display Name, Latitude, Longitude, Co-ordinate Accuracy, Prefer Satellite, History, Year Built, Status, Accessibility, Hazards, Interesting Features, Recommendation, Security Measures, Recommended Equipment, Media Coverage, Description, Web Links
- on Mar 16 22 at 3:14, Aran changed the following: Notes for Mods, Type, City, Province / State (please use full name), Country, Publically Viewable, History, Year Closed, Interesting Features, Media Coverage, Future Plans, Description, Web Links
- on Mar 16 22 at 3:13, Aran updated gallery picture IMG_6097.jpg
- on Mar 16 22 at 3:12, Aran updated gallery picture IMG_6097.jpg
- on Mar 16 22 at 3:12, Aran updated gallery picture IMG_6092.jpg
- on Mar 16 22 at 3:12, Aran updated gallery picture IMG_6100.jpg

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