Unfinished Church

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This church was intented to replace St-Peter's Church but the construction was never finished. All the stone walls and window openings are there, and the base of the columns lie there in the grass. There is no roof and it's a pretty open space. Goes well for photo shoots with models.

Basic Information
Type: Building
Status: Abandoned
Accessibility: Easy
Recommendation: check it out if you're nearby
Status: Abandoned
Accessibility: Easy
Recommendation: check it out if you're nearby

- none, really

Security Measures
- neighbors

Required Equipment

Physical Information
Government Hill Road
St. Georges, St. Georges
Government Hill Road
St. Georges, St. Georges

Interesting Features
Stone walls are all that remains, but the view from the top of the hill is really nice.

Historical Dates
Built: 1874
Closed: 0
Closed: 0

Recommended Equipment

The construction work began in the year 1874 when St Peters Church was badly damaged by a storm and was thought to be beyond repair. So a new church had to be built. Although the construction work of the new church was started, it could not be completed due to various reasons. One of the main reasons was strong difference in opinion within the parishioners. A local population felt that they would rather invest the money in repairing the old church instead of building a new one. There was also severe fund problems. The construction of this unfinished church was almost immediately stopped.
In 1926, when the church remained incomplete, a strong hurricane destroyed much of the construction work carried out until then. Today, the picturesque ruins are a protected historic monument and part of the St. George's World Heritage Site.
In 1926, when the church remained incomplete, a strong hurricane destroyed much of the construction work carried out until then. Today, the picturesque ruins are a protected historic monument and part of the St. George's World Heritage Site.

Media Coverage

Future Plans
The church is a World Heritage Site and is opened to public.


Photo Galleries

Web Links


Moderator Rating
The moderator rating is a neutral rating of the content quality, photography, and coolness of this location.
This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.
This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.


This location's validation is current.
It was last validated by
Steed on 3/22/2024 9:05 AM.

Latest Changes
- on Mar 22 24 at 9:05, Steed validated this location
- on Mar 22 24 at 0:28, Emperor Wang changed the following: Street Address, History, Hazards, Description
- on Dec 23 16 at 4:10, Emperor Wang validated this location
- on Dec 23 16 at 4:09, Emperor Wang changed the following: Display Name
- on May 22 14 at 8:54, Steed validated this location
- on Mar 14 14 at 14:27, Deconstrukt made this location public
- on Mar 14 14 at 14:27, Deconstrukt made this location available
- on Mar 14 14 at 14:16, Deconstrukt updated gallery picture 2010-05-03 014.jpg
- on Mar 14 14 at 14:16, Deconstrukt updated gallery picture 07 - 2010-05-03 022.jpg
- on Mar 14 14 at 14:15, Deconstrukt updated gallery picture 06 - 2010-05-03 021.jpg

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