Thomas Edison High School
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Our one and only trip was on July 31, 2011. We were taking photos for an hour and we smelled smoke. A scrapper started a fire so we had to leave. Three days later, another fire and the front of the building burned. We feel cheated!
6.2.2023 - It's gone - disappeared from Google Streets sometime between 2012 and 2014. The property is now mixed use with a Family Dollar, Burger King, Little Ceasar's, and the like....
6.2.2023 - It's gone - disappeared from Google Streets sometime between 2012 and 2014. The property is now mixed use with a Family Dollar, Burger King, Little Ceasar's, and the like....
Basic Information
Type: Building
Status: Demolished
Accessibility: Easy - it's gone
Recommendation: forget it - It's gone!
Status: Demolished
Accessibility: Easy - it's gone
Recommendation: forget it - It's gone!
- asbestos
- rust
- unsafe flooring
- flooding
- water
- air quality
- fire damage, sketchy neighborhood
Security Measures
- fences
- locked gates
- welded doors
Required Equipment
- flashlight
Physical Information
8th St. & Lehigh Ave.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
United States
8th St. & Lehigh Ave.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
United States
Interesting Features
Amazing auditorium!
Historical Dates
Built: 1903
Closed: 2002
Closed: 2002
Recommended Equipment
The original Edison High School building was opened in 1903 as the all male Northeast Manual Training High School located at 8th Street and Lehigh Avenue. Eventually the school became Northeast High School. The auditorium was added in 1916 and in 1936 vocational education shops and many regular classrooms were added to the original building. Renamed Julia deBurgos School.
The school was vacated in 2002. It sat largely untouched until 2008, when scrappers and the neighborhood animals really began to rip the place apart. By 2011, it was a shell of a building; just about everything in the building was either looted or smashed. In August 2011, a 4-alarm fire ripped through the original part of the building, gutting most of the 3rd floor and severely damaging the 2nd floor.
The school was vacated in 2002. It sat largely untouched until 2008, when scrappers and the neighborhood animals really began to rip the place apart. By 2011, it was a shell of a building; just about everything in the building was either looted or smashed. In August 2011, a 4-alarm fire ripped through the original part of the building, gutting most of the 3rd floor and severely damaging the 2nd floor.
Media Coverage
-----Links below this line were broken or dead on 6.2.2023-----
Future Plans
The new owner plans to convert the rear addition to apartments and the rest of the property into a grocery store.
Web Links
Moderator Rating
The moderator rating is a neutral rating of the content quality, photography, and coolness of this location.
This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.
This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.
This location's validation is current.
It was last validated by
Emperor Wang on 6/2/2023 4:24 PM.
Latest Changes
- on Jun 2 23 at 16:24, Emperor Wang validated this location
- on Jun 2 23 at 13:11, fr00tCake changed the following: Status, Accessibility, Recommendation, Media Coverage, Description
- on Apr 25 14 at 0:40, Steed validated this location
- on Apr 25 14 at 0:22, Steed moved this gallery into this location
- on May 29 13 at 1:53, blackoutangel00 changed the following: Status
- on Jan 10 12 at 6:50, Opheliaism validated this location
- on Jan 10 12 at 4:19, proletar1at added some pictures to a gallery
- on Jan 10 12 at 4:18, proletar1at created a new gallery
- on Jan 9 12 at 23:39, Opheliaism validated this location
- on Jan 8 12 at 5:28, Byberrian Fanman changed the following: Display Name, Owner, Street Address, History, Year Closed, Hazards, Interesting Features, Recommendation, Security Measures, Required Equipment, Media Coverage, Future Plans
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