Old Perithia

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Nestled up in the mountain on corfu this place is a great day trip. Packed full of abandoned stone homes of all sizes, its the perfect way to enjoy a sunny day.

Basic Information
Type: Town
Status: Abandoned
Accessibility: Easy
Recommendation: check it out if you're nearby
Status: Abandoned
Accessibility: Easy
Recommendation: check it out if you're nearby

- Stinging Neetles = Long Pants

Security Measures
- none

Required Equipment

Physical Information

Interesting Features
The town is made up of many stone houses
Many houses have trees growing inside them
There is actually an open cafe on the edge of town (2014 And family run patio outdoor restaurant)
These houses are for sale if you want to live in a ghost town (2014: Yep still many old homes for sale, nowadays a boutique B&B is in the village only open when guests present)
Many houses have trees growing inside them
There is actually an open cafe on the edge of town (2014 And family run patio outdoor restaurant)
These houses are for sale if you want to live in a ghost town (2014: Yep still many old homes for sale, nowadays a boutique B&B is in the village only open when guests present)

Historical Dates
Built: 0
Closed: 0
Closed: 0

Recommended Equipment

Old Perithia was built in Byzantine times, and is hidden in the hills of Corfu.
This mountain village was once the bustling home to 1,500 people, but today about six people live here, and the rest of the village is a tangle of crumbling stone walls and deserted squares.
This mountain village was once the bustling home to 1,500 people, but today about six people live here, and the rest of the village is a tangle of crumbling stone walls and deserted squares.

Media Coverage

Future Plans
the homes are for sale and judging by the tourism in the rest of Corfu it will be only a matter of time before the ghosts are replaced by soon to be ghost pasty skin fanny pack toting tourists.
2014: Still well off radar of hordes of tourists but you wont be the only one up in mountain village. A truly great place a perfect mix of abandoness and a few surviving residents that run a few resturants up there. No other shops or alike. The township is yours to explore. Heaps up there to fossick around for the day.
2014: Still well off radar of hordes of tourists but you wont be the only one up in mountain village. A truly great place a perfect mix of abandoness and a few surviving residents that run a few resturants up there. No other shops or alike. The township is yours to explore. Heaps up there to fossick around for the day.


Web Links


Moderator Rating
The moderator rating is a neutral rating of the content quality, photography, and coolness of this location.
This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.
This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.


This location's validation is current.
It was last validated by
Mike Dijital on 8/3/2014 8:06 PM.

Latest Changes
- on Aug 3 14 at 20:06, Mike Dijital validated this location
- on Aug 3 14 at 16:22, static2 changed the following: Hazards, Interesting Features, Future Plans
- on Apr 4 11 at 1:34, Emperor Wang validated this location
- on Apr 4 11 at 1:34, Emperor Wang changed the following: Display Name
- on Mar 17 11 at 17:38, Steed validated this location
- on Mar 17 11 at 15:16, wizehopt made this location available
- on Mar 17 11 at 15:15, wizehopt added some pictures to a gallery
- on Mar 17 11 at 15:14, wizehopt updated gallery May 2009
- on Mar 17 11 at 15:13, wizehopt created a new gallery
- on Mar 17 11 at 15:12, wizehopt updated the main picture

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