Abandoned Observatory

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Two domes, hut, shipping containers and various portable facilities on roughly an acre of former waste land.

Basic Information
Type: Building
Status: Abandoned
Accessibility: Easy
Recommendation: check it out if you're nearby
Status: Abandoned
Accessibility: Easy
Recommendation: check it out if you're nearby


Security Measures
- fences
- locked gates

Required Equipment

Physical Information
Truro, Cornwall
Owner: Private individuals
Truro, Cornwall
Owner: Private individuals

Interesting Features
Observatory Domes

Historical Dates
Built: 2000
Closed: 2002
Closed: 2002

Recommended Equipment

Around 1999 a group of amateur astronomers and volunteers set about building a small observatory complex. All the work was undertaken by members and supporters on a voluntary basis with the hope that all materials would be be donated. The site was cleared and construction started. A series of applications for grants were turned down because the project did not create many jobs and did not bring a sustainable economic input to the area. Although it received charitable status in 2000, the project remained desperately short of cash with an estimated £250,000 shortfall preventing the construction of a third dome and lecture rooms. From the look of the site and the fact that there has been very little construction in recent years, it is probably the case that the group was unable to secure any more cash. Predictably vandals have targeted the site and damaged the portable toilet, domes, caravan and hut. There is an out of date website related to the project which would also seem to indicate that the wheels have come off the venture.

Media Coverage
Extract from press release
"At the time of the Eclipse a group of Astronomy enthusiasts got together and decided to build an astronomical observatory.
The group meets on a monthly basis and many speakers have delivered a variety of interesting lectures.
A piece of land at [xxxxxx] was identified as a possible site for the observatory and a 99-year lease has been agreed. The lease will be signed at the observatory meeting on 21 February 2002 at 18 Lemon Street, 7.30 pm.
Designs for a building and domes have already been submitted and Carrick District Council has granted planning approval.
Considerable effort has been undertaken to obtain grant funding from many organisations including Objective One. Despite the appeal of the project it fails to meet the current funding criterion that the grant makers are looking for.
The stream of rejection letters has not deterred the members of the Observatory; indeed it has only served to strengthen their resolve that the project will happen one way or another.
It was suggested, and unanimously agreed, that the members undertake the work themselves and appeal to local people and businesses to donate materials to the project, a sort of DIY 'Challenge Anneka'.
The project will obviously take more time to complete, but for this year we have set ourselves the target of completing the works required to the long access lane and to build the first viewing platform. If all goes well we should complete the first observatory dome."
"At the time of the Eclipse a group of Astronomy enthusiasts got together and decided to build an astronomical observatory.
The group meets on a monthly basis and many speakers have delivered a variety of interesting lectures.
A piece of land at [xxxxxx] was identified as a possible site for the observatory and a 99-year lease has been agreed. The lease will be signed at the observatory meeting on 21 February 2002 at 18 Lemon Street, 7.30 pm.
Designs for a building and domes have already been submitted and Carrick District Council has granted planning approval.
Considerable effort has been undertaken to obtain grant funding from many organisations including Objective One. Despite the appeal of the project it fails to meet the current funding criterion that the grant makers are looking for.
The stream of rejection letters has not deterred the members of the Observatory; indeed it has only served to strengthen their resolve that the project will happen one way or another.
It was suggested, and unanimously agreed, that the members undertake the work themselves and appeal to local people and businesses to donate materials to the project, a sort of DIY 'Challenge Anneka'.
The project will obviously take more time to complete, but for this year we have set ourselves the target of completing the works required to the long access lane and to build the first viewing platform. If all goes well we should complete the first observatory dome."

Future Plans


Photo Galleries

Web Links


Moderator Rating
The moderator rating is a neutral rating of the content quality, photography, and coolness of this location.
This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.
This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.


This location's validation is current.
It was last validated by
Steed on 6/15/2010 10:01 AM.

Latest Changes
- on Jun 15 10 at 10:01, Steed validated this location
- on Jun 15 10 at 8:54, GC Intercept made this location available
- on Jun 15 10 at 8:51, GC Intercept changed the following: History
- on Jun 15 10 at 8:49, GC Intercept changed the following: Display Name, Real Name, Notes for Mods, Owner, Type, City, Province / State (please use full name), Country, Publically Viewable, History, Year Built, Year Closed, Status, Accessibility, Interesting Features, Recommendation, Security Measures, Media Coverage, Future Plans, Description, Web Links
- on Jun 15 10 at 7:51, GC Intercept updated gallery picture Sticker
- on Jun 15 10 at 7:50, GC Intercept updated gallery picture
- on Jun 15 10 at 7:49, GC Intercept updated gallery picture Plan
- on Jun 15 10 at 7:48, GC Intercept updated gallery picture
- on Jun 15 10 at 7:48, GC Intercept updated gallery picture
- on Jun 15 10 at 7:48, GC Intercept updated gallery picture

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