Valley Halla Estate

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In the 1930’s, Reuben Pearse sold the property to Dr. Jackson, who built his magnificent country estate house, Valley Halla, in the valley below the farmhouse. Dr. Jackson is known for origination Roman Meal Bread, an early “health food” product. The Pearse house was occupied by the farm manager.
The Pearse family had owned more than 200 acres of property in the Meadowvale rd and Finch ave. area. They owned several houses, a cottage and a sawmill. The Pearse homestead is now located at the top of the hill on beare rd sanitary, closer to meadovale.
Closer to present times, the Pearse House and property were acquired by Metropolitan Toronto to form a part of the Metro Toronto Zoo site. The Pearse family barns and carriage shed, in the vicinity of the venerable old farmhouse, continue to serve in the operation of the Zoo, a major attraction in the Metropolitan Toronto area.
The Pearse family had owned more than 200 acres of property in the Meadowvale rd and Finch ave. area. They owned several houses, a cottage and a sawmill. The Pearse homestead is now located at the top of the hill on beare rd sanitary, closer to meadovale.
Closer to present times, the Pearse House and property were acquired by Metropolitan Toronto to form a part of the Metro Toronto Zoo site. The Pearse family barns and carriage shed, in the vicinity of the venerable old farmhouse, continue to serve in the operation of the Zoo, a major attraction in the Metropolitan Toronto area.

Basic Information
Type: Building
Status: Abandoned but still used
Accessibility: Easy to get to but impossible to get in.
Recommendation: drop everything - must see
Status: Abandoned but still used
Accessibility: Easy to get to but impossible to get in.
Recommendation: drop everything - must see

- security

Security Measures
- Security vehicle making rounds up and down the driveway.

Required Equipment

Physical Information

Interesting Features
The Valley Halla House has been rented on a short term basis and used by various film makers for movie scenes and for hosting Zoo functions. It was also rented to the Rouge Park Alliance for use as office space between 1996 and 1998. The remote location and access to this former residence in the valley
seems to limit interest in the building to philanthropic individuals and organizations. A Request for Proposal in 1998, regarding proposed use of the facility, attracted one response related to using the house as a fine dining establishment. The property is managed and maintained by the Toronto Zoo as a result of the 1978 tripartite agreement between the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto, the Board of Management of the Metropolitan Toronto Zoo and the TRCA. While the maintenance of such a facility does not relate directly to the Zoo’s mission, the Board recognized and accepted that Valley Halla must be kept in a state of good repair. An unfortunate consequence of the remote location and access to Valley Halla is that prospective lessees expect that the considerable renovation costs to convert usage of the building will be absorbed by the Toronto Zoo and the City of Toronto. Also, the age and construction of the building demands a regular annual maintenance regimen to ensure it remains structurally sound. It is estimated that the current direct operating costs (utilities, custodial, security, grounds-keeping, etc.) and incidental maintenance costs for minimal upkeep are in the range of $50,000 to $75,000 annually, not including overhead and administration. This is somewhat offset by film rentals averaging $35,000 over the last two years.
seems to limit interest in the building to philanthropic individuals and organizations. A Request for Proposal in 1998, regarding proposed use of the facility, attracted one response related to using the house as a fine dining establishment. The property is managed and maintained by the Toronto Zoo as a result of the 1978 tripartite agreement between the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto, the Board of Management of the Metropolitan Toronto Zoo and the TRCA. While the maintenance of such a facility does not relate directly to the Zoo’s mission, the Board recognized and accepted that Valley Halla must be kept in a state of good repair. An unfortunate consequence of the remote location and access to Valley Halla is that prospective lessees expect that the considerable renovation costs to convert usage of the building will be absorbed by the Toronto Zoo and the City of Toronto. Also, the age and construction of the building demands a regular annual maintenance regimen to ensure it remains structurally sound. It is estimated that the current direct operating costs (utilities, custodial, security, grounds-keeping, etc.) and incidental maintenance costs for minimal upkeep are in the range of $50,000 to $75,000 annually, not including overhead and administration. This is somewhat offset by film rentals averaging $35,000 over the last two years.

Historical Dates
Built: 1933
Closed: 0
Closed: 0

Recommended Equipment

The circa 1869 cottage may have been enlarged to some extent as the family grew, but the major improvements and expansion which resulted in the existing one-and-a-half storey, brick-veneered farmhouse came in 1893. Family tradition records a description of “…the family continuing to live as they had before, while the ‘new’ house was built around and over them”.

Media Coverage

Future Plans


Web Links


Moderator Rating
The moderator rating is a neutral rating of the content quality, photography, and coolness of this location.
This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.
This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.


This location's validation is current.
It was last validated by
Steed on 3/19/2010 7:57 AM.

Latest Changes
- on Mar 19 10 at 7:57, Steed validated this location
- on Mar 19 10 at 1:21, Vital Films updated gallery picture Valley Halla
- on Mar 19 10 at 1:13, Vital Films added some pictures to a gallery
- on Mar 17 10 at 1:30, Steed validated this location
- on Mar 16 10 at 22:00, Vital Films updated the main picture
- on Mar 3 10 at 0:42, Steed validated this location
- on Mar 2 10 at 2:25, Boffo changed the following: City
- on Feb 22 10 at 7:20, Steed validated this location
- on Feb 19 10 at 5:25, Vital Films added some pictures to a gallery
- on Feb 17 10 at 1:10, heldfast updated gallery picture ValleyHallaforUER 21.jpg

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