Go Kart Track and House

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Medium-sized 2 storey house, with the staircase missing, huge garage, and a decent sized go-kart track.

Basic Information
Type: Building and Race Track
Status: Abandoned
Accessibility: Easy
Recommendation: check it out if you're nearby
Status: Abandoned
Accessibility: Easy
Recommendation: check it out if you're nearby

- rust
- unsafe flooring
- flooding
- water
- air quality

Security Measures
- fences
- wooden boarding

Required Equipment
- flashlight
- breathing mask
- gloves
- long pants / sleeves
- towelettes

Physical Information

Interesting Features
Crazy house of the 70's, fairly intact go-kart track, and a 'rare' example of an 80's "Innocenti 3 Cilindri S" in the garage, as well as an early 70's SkiRoule snowmobile.
The sled is gone, and the Innocenti has been massacred.
The sled is gone, and the Innocenti has been massacred.

Historical Dates
Built: 0
Closed: 0
Closed: 0

Recommended Equipment

Unsure as of yet... my former boss told me he used to race his Porsche on a go-kart track north of Picton back in the 80s, and I'm guessing this is the place.
Update... The track belonged to Paul Long. This IS the place where Solo races were held, where my former boss used to race his 914. Co-worker tells me it closed around '92.
Update... The track belonged to Paul Long. This IS the place where Solo races were held, where my former boss used to race his 914. Co-worker tells me it closed around '92.

Media Coverage

Future Plans
It will probably be demolished, although I'd love to see the track re-opened since it DOES look pretty salvageable.


Web Links


Moderator Rating
The moderator rating is a neutral rating of the content quality, photography, and coolness of this location.
This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.
This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.


This location's validation is current.
It was last validated by
Emperor Wang on 8/24/2024 10:05 PM.

Latest Changes
- on Aug 24 24 at 22:05, Emperor Wang validated this location
- on Aug 24 24 at 22:03, Emperor Wang changed the following: Type, History, Interesting Features, Description
- on Aug 23 24 at 19:45, fr00tCake changed the following: Street Address, Latitude, Longitude, Co-ordinate Accuracy, Prefer Satellite
- on Mar 31 12 at 16:42, Opheliaism validated this location
- on Mar 30 12 at 3:13, bandi changed the following: History, Interesting Features
- on Mar 30 12 at 3:12, bandi made this location public
- on Mar 30 12 at 3:08, bandi updated gallery picture IMG_0352.JPG
- on Mar 30 12 at 3:08, bandi updated gallery picture IMG_0351.jpg
- on Mar 30 12 at 3:06, bandi added some pictures to a gallery
- on Mar 30 12 at 3:03, bandi updated gallery I went back...

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