Palace of Knossos

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This is the Palace of Knossos that was built in approximately 2000 BC. It is located in the city of Heraklion on the island of Crete.

Basic Information
Type: Palace
Status: Only ruins remain
Accessibility: Open to public
Recommendation: check it out if you're nearby
Status: Only ruins remain
Accessibility: Open to public
Recommendation: check it out if you're nearby

- unsafe flooring

Security Measures
- fences

Required Equipment

Physical Information
Heraklion, Crete
Heraklion, Crete

Interesting Features

Historical Dates
Built: 0
Closed: 0
Closed: 0

Recommended Equipment

The imposing Palace is built on the hill of "Kefala" next to the river "Kairatos", in a site which was admired for its natural advantages, the strong position, good water supplies, access to the sea and proximity to a large fertile forest. The forest that produced the "Cephalonian Pine" a tree that supplied the beams and the columns for the construction of the Palace.
The site itself includes the Palace of Knossos, The Minoan Houses, the "Little Palace", the "Royal Villa", the villa "Dionysos" with famous Roman mosaics, the south Royal Temple - Tomb and the "Caravanserai".
The Palace had been destroyed time after time and always emerged from its ruins more magnificent than before until the last time that there was no recovery.
Excavations showed that the area was inhabited since the Neolithic times (6000 BC and perhaps even earlier) and verified that the Neolithic levels of Knossos are amongst the deepest in Europe.
An important Pre Palace already existed on this Neolithic site as far as 3000 BC. while the first Palace was built around 2000 BC and destroyed 300 years later.
On the same site a new Palace was built, more elaborate than the previous, only to be severely damaged from an earthquake one hundred years latter.
The Palace now lives and prospers until the next disaster of around 1450 BC connected to the volcanic eruption of Santorini. Following this event, it is restored once more and used by the Achaean sovereign until at least 1380 BC although other city states in Crete had already been destroyed.
After its final destruction the palace was not used again except for the "temple of Rhea" in later historical times.
Taken from http://www.dilos.com/
The site itself includes the Palace of Knossos, The Minoan Houses, the "Little Palace", the "Royal Villa", the villa "Dionysos" with famous Roman mosaics, the south Royal Temple - Tomb and the "Caravanserai".
The Palace had been destroyed time after time and always emerged from its ruins more magnificent than before until the last time that there was no recovery.
Excavations showed that the area was inhabited since the Neolithic times (6000 BC and perhaps even earlier) and verified that the Neolithic levels of Knossos are amongst the deepest in Europe.
An important Pre Palace already existed on this Neolithic site as far as 3000 BC. while the first Palace was built around 2000 BC and destroyed 300 years later.
On the same site a new Palace was built, more elaborate than the previous, only to be severely damaged from an earthquake one hundred years latter.
The Palace now lives and prospers until the next disaster of around 1450 BC connected to the volcanic eruption of Santorini. Following this event, it is restored once more and used by the Achaean sovereign until at least 1380 BC although other city states in Crete had already been destroyed.
After its final destruction the palace was not used again except for the "temple of Rhea" in later historical times.
Taken from http://www.dilos.com/

Media Coverage

Future Plans
Is currently open to the public for viewing and exploration


Web Links


Moderator Rating
The moderator rating is a neutral rating of the content quality, photography, and coolness of this location.
This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.
This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.


This location's validation is current.
It was last validated by
Opheliaism on 7/24/2008 1:46 AM.

Latest Changes
- on Jul 24 08 at 1:46, Opheliaism validated this location
- on Mar 27 07 at 0:57, Veritus made this location available
- on Mar 27 07 at 0:57, Veritus changed the following: Publically Viewable, Recommendation, Security Measures, Future Plans, Description
- on Mar 27 07 at 0:54, Veritus changed the following: History
- on Mar 27 07 at 0:51, Veritus changed the following: Accessibility, Hazards
- on Mar 27 07 at 0:51, Veritus changed the following: Notes for Mods, Status
- on Mar 27 07 at 0:48, Veritus updated the main picture
- on Mar 27 07 at 0:45, Veritus added some pictures to a gallery
- on Mar 27 07 at 0:39, Veritus created a new gallery
- on Mar 27 07 at 0:38, Veritus changed the following: Display Name, Notes for Mods, Type, City, Province / State (please use full name), Country, History, Interesting Features, Media Coverage, Future Plans, Description, Web Links

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